I'm trying to use my custom form to edit a CalendarEvent. So I added a BackgroundClickHandler as folows
and the handler
but AFTER clicking an empty space once and trying to edit an event -clicking on it- it fires the BackgroundClickHandler as if an empty space was clicked.
I've found the problem is the time range remains selected and causes trouble.
To solve the issue I've added a clearCalendarSelection method as follows
You should call this method right after cancelling the event.
Calendar calendar = new Calendar(); calendar.addBackgroundClickHandler(onBackgroundClickCalendar);
BackgroundClickHandler onBackgroundClickCalendar = new BackgroundClickHandler() { @Override public void onBackgroundClick(BackgroundClickEvent event) { event.cancel(); CalendarEvent evnt = new CalendarEvent(); evnt.setStartDate(event.getStartDate()); evnt.setEndDate(event.getEndDate()); editEvent(evnt); } };
I've found the problem is the time range remains selected and causes trouble.
To solve the issue I've added a clearCalendarSelection method as follows
private native final void clearCalendarSelection(Calendar calendar)/*-{ obj = calendar.@com.smartgwt.client.widgets.BaseWidget::getJsObj()(); obj.clearTimeSelection(); }-*/;
@Override public void onBackgroundClick(BackgroundClickEvent event) { event.cancel(); [b]clearCalendarSelection(calendar);[/b] CalendarEvent evnt = new CalendarEvent(); evnt.setStartDate(event.getStartDate()); evnt.setEndDate(event.getEndDate()); editEvent(evnt); }