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Blama my dear coding-dude, i have terrific news. Adding the two layouts to a canvas instead, and switching inside that canvas worked. Thanks a bunch!
Having problem fading between 2 layouts
Hello, as described in the title i have made the example you can find below.
When i click on the toggle button, i would like the two layouts to be switched with eachother, i.e. the one showing will fade out, and the one hidden will fade in.
However, when i do this, both become half-size (because they both are members of the layout i assume), do the animation, then the showing layout will become full screen again.
Is there a way to properly fade-animate between these two full-screen layouts?
Code:public void onModuleLoad() { Layout main = new VLayout(); main.setMembersMargin(30); main.setMargin(20); main.setWidth100().setHeight100(); Layout one = createLayout("blue"); Layout two = createLayout("red"); two.setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); IButton toggle = new IButton("Switch"); toggle.addClickHandler(clickEvent -> { if (one.isVisible()) { one.animateHide(); two.animateShow(); } else { two.animateHide(); one.animateShow(); } }); main.addMember(toggle); main.addMember(one); main.addMember(two); main.draw(); } private Layout createLayout(String bg){ Layout layout = new VLayout(); layout.setWidth100().setHeight100(); layout.setBackgroundColor(bg); layout.setBorder("2px solid black"); layout.setAnimateHideEffect(AnimationEffect.FADE).setAnimateShowEffect(AnimationEffect.FADE); layout.setAnimateShowTime(400).setAnimateHideTime(400); return layout; }
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