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    SmartGWT Pro 12.1 and Charts

    Dear Forum,

    since we updated to 12.1 the charts in our software are not there anymore.

    we use the latest version from today;

    Version v12.1p_2021-10-22/Pro Deployment (2021-10-22)

    There is no exception, nothing.

    the edges around the charts are there, nothing else.

    Has anybody a idea how to fix this?


    Last edited by swman; 27 Oct 2021, 00:11.

    The most likely thing is that you just aren't loading the Charts module.

    Check your SmartGWT Developer Console for both warnings and errors - it will generally tell you that this is the problem.

    Double check the installation instructions (SGWTEESetup in javaDoc).

    Take a look at the browser's built-in developer tools and look for ISC_Chart.js being loaded - if it's not, you have a GWT module include problem (again check SGWTEESetup and Optional Modules overview) or it may be that there's an attempt to load the file but it's absent (rerun GWT compile, check aforementioned docs as well as Debugging overview).

    Be sure to take a good look through all those docs, especially the Troubleshooting sections and advice above - it's all there!


      thx, the console showed:

      *14:58:49.350:WARN:FacetChart:MainWindowChartcomponent1635339529349:FacetChart class requires optional Drawing module which is not loaded. Please make sure the Drawing module is included in this page before the Charts module.

      we found out that we did loaded sc/modules/ISC_Drawings.js"

      instead of sc/modules/ISC_Drawing.js"

      this is solved!

