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    hbase vs cassandra


    We are a big data company and thus our Smart GWT UI works with our backend datastores. We are considering moving into hadoop and would like to use hbase or cassandra to manage the data before we execute a map/reduce.

    Are there any connectors to hbase or cassandra out there for smart gwt? Could someone post them here if they have them, or point me to the documentation for them?



    im interested in this also - are Isomorphic considering adding features to support data persistence using cassandra ? much like the native SQL support ?


      This series of samples shows how you can connect SmartGWT to a datastore for which we do not have a built-in connector.

      We don't currently plan a built-in connector because there wouldn't be that much functionality for the framework to provide. Connecting a UI to MapReduce doesn't have all the depth and nuance that it does for SQL (joins, grouping, autoDeriveSchema, AdvancedCriteria, etc) and tends to be a highly custom job each time.

      That all said, it would be a valid Feature Sponsorship to have a connector added to the framework, or to have Isomorphic prepare an official sample and/or documentation on how to integrate (with sample code you could just copy and modify).

