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  • slick07
    Problem solved. Thank you!

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  • Isomorphic
    membersChanged() (inherited from the superclass Layout) should work for this.

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  • slick07
    started a topic ListGrid filterEditor visibility handler

    ListGrid filterEditor visibility handler


    I am trying to detect when the filterEditor becomes visible/hidden for a ListGrid. Overriding setShowFilterEditor() does not work as my method does not get called when you switch the filter row. Adding a visibility handler on the filterEditor also is not a viable solution because it is null until is it first displayed. Adding a visibility handler on the ListGrid does not get triggered when showing/hiding the filter row. I am out of ideas...

    I need to detect when the filterEditor changes visibility because our ListGrid is synchronised vertically with another component. When the filter row changes visibility we also need to move the other component up/down with the height of the filter row.

    Thank you