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    Developer Console: Firefox

    SmartGWT 12.1p

    Is there a way to launch the Developer Console through Firefox if Developer tools has been disabled in the browser? Neither isc.showConsole(); nor javascript:isc.showConsole() work.

    Normally the developer console is reached by executing "isc.showConsole()" within a running application.
    You can do this from the URL bar or the developer tools / console.
    (For this to work you need to allow pop-ups from the application).

    If you are unable to evaluate javascript in your running app for some reason (The "javascript:..." prefix is disallowed in the URL bar and the developer tools console is unavailable), there are a couple of other straightforward options:

    - you could modify the SmartClient application to call isc.showConsole() directly from its source - possibly in response to an appropriate page level keypress event or similar
    - you could use remoteDebugging. Essentially this means you load the page to be debugged with the isc_remoteDebug URL parameter, then navigate to the developer console directly in another browser window and use the drop-down at the top-right to connect to your target page.

    Isomorphic Software

