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    SmartGWT 13.0 Tahoe Theme

    We're working on upgrading from SmartGWT Enterprise 12.1 to 13.0. We have a customized version of the Tahoe theme that we use. I see the new compile.bat/ files for compilation instead of executing compass directly. When we execute that, we get an error in the _prepared.scss file. The error message is:

    error sass/skin_styles.scss (Line 15 of sass/_prepared.scss: Undefined variable: "$standard_font_size".)
    Here's a snippet from _prepared.scss:

    // USER - old value RobotoLight;
    $primary_font: OpenSans_SemiBold;
    // USER - old value corbel;
    $secondary_font: sans-serif;
    $secondary_font_bold: corbel;
    $tertiary_font: calibri;
    $standard_body_font: $tertiary_font;
    $standard_header_font: $tertiary_font;
    $standard_tab_font: $secondary_font;
    // USER - old value $standard_body_font;
    $standard_hover_font: $primary_font;
    // USER - old value 12px;
    $normal_font_size: $standard_font_size;
    // USER - old value 11px;
    $standard_font_size: 14px;
    $standard_small_font_size: 9px;
    $standard_header_font_size: 14px;
    $secondary_header_font_size: 12.58px;
    $standard_header_font_weight: bold;
    $standard_font_weight: normal;
    It looks like the $standard_font_size variable is being referenced before it's declared. Here's a snippet from our _userSettings.scss file:

    /*Font Variables*/
    $small_button_font_size: 10px;
    $normal_font_size: 10px;
    $small_font_size: 12px;
    $list_table_font_size: 13px;
    $standard_font_size: 14px;
    $btn_font_size: 15px;
    $hover_font_size: 16px;
    $font_awesome_icon_font_size: 16px;
    $large_font_size: 18px;
    $heading_font_size: 20px;
    $logo_font_size: 22px;
    $larger_font_size: 24px;
    $font_awesome_larger_font_size: 30px;
    /*Font Variables*/
    I've tried moving the $standard_font_size variable around, seems it's always in the same spot. I've also attached our _useSettings.scss file for reference. Any help?
    Attached Files

    The purpose of this newer "compile" mechanism is to ensure that a sparsely populated _userSettings file, as produced by our skinEditor for example, is expanded into a full list of settings in the right order, prior to 'compass compile' - but it doesn't currently deal with entirely custom SASS variables, like the FontAwesome ones you show here.

    We'll revisit and fix the mechanism and docs.

    In your case, however, if your _userSettings file is complete (it should be if it's a manual customization of Tahoe from a previous version), you can continue to call "compass compile" directly.


      Ok, thank you for the clarification.

