We're working on upgrading from SmartGWT Enterprise 12.1 to 13.0. We have a customized version of the Tahoe theme that we use. I see the new compile.bat/compile.sh files for compilation instead of executing compass directly. When we execute that, we get an error in the _prepared.scss file. The error message is:
Here's a snippet from _prepared.scss:
It looks like the $standard_font_size variable is being referenced before it's declared. Here's a snippet from our _userSettings.scss file:
I've tried moving the $standard_font_size variable around, seems it's always in the same spot. I've also attached our _useSettings.scss file for reference. Any help?
error sass/skin_styles.scss (Line 15 of sass/_prepared.scss: Undefined variable: "$standard_font_size".)
// USER - old value RobotoLight; $primary_font: OpenSans_SemiBold; // USER - old value corbel; $secondary_font: sans-serif; $secondary_font_bold: corbel; $tertiary_font: calibri; $standard_body_font: $tertiary_font; $standard_header_font: $tertiary_font; $standard_tab_font: $secondary_font; // USER - old value $standard_body_font; $standard_hover_font: $primary_font; // USER - old value 12px; $normal_font_size: $standard_font_size; // USER - old value 11px; $standard_font_size: 14px; $standard_small_font_size: 9px; $standard_header_font_size: 14px; $secondary_header_font_size: 12.58px; $standard_header_font_weight: bold; $standard_font_weight: normal;
/*Font Variables*/ $small_button_font_size: 10px; $normal_font_size: 10px; $small_font_size: 12px; $list_table_font_size: 13px; $standard_font_size: 14px; $btn_font_size: 15px; $hover_font_size: 16px; $font_awesome_icon_font_size: 16px; $large_font_size: 18px; $heading_font_size: 20px; $logo_font_size: 22px; $larger_font_size: 24px; $font_awesome_larger_font_size: 30px; /*Font Variables*/