I have a test environment with the BuiltInDs project that uses the following components:
JDK 1.8
SmartGWT Eval v13.0-p20221103
GWT 2.8.2
Maven 3.8.6
And to run it I use the following targets:

With this configuration, I can access Developer Mode for debugging the code and it works correctly.
On the other hand, I have an environment with a real project that uses the following components:
JDK 1.8
SmartGWT Pro v4.0
GWT 2.8.0
Maven 2.0
And I run it using the following goals:

With those goals I can access the Developer Mode for debugging the code and it works correctly.
Now, when I migrate the productive project to the SmartGWT v13.0-p20221103 version with GWT 2.8.2, the same Maven 2.0 and JDK 1.8, with the same goals that worked in the project without migration, the goals are executed correctly and I can activate the Developer Mode, but the debugging has no effect; moreover, in the console, only a trace similar to this one appears:

JDK 1.8
SmartGWT Eval v13.0-p20221103
GWT 2.8.2
Maven 3.8.6
And to run it I use the following targets:
With this configuration, I can access Developer Mode for debugging the code and it works correctly.
On the other hand, I have an environment with a real project that uses the following components:
JDK 1.8
SmartGWT Pro v4.0
GWT 2.8.0
Maven 2.0
And I run it using the following goals:
With those goals I can access the Developer Mode for debugging the code and it works correctly.
Now, when I migrate the productive project to the SmartGWT v13.0-p20221103 version with GWT 2.8.2, the same Maven 2.0 and JDK 1.8, with the same goals that worked in the project without migration, the goals are executed correctly and I can activate the Developer Mode, but the debugging has no effect; moreover, in the console, only a trace similar to this one appears: