initially all of my three Portlet object is within the same vertical position (where all of them is visually under the same row), but after I have added the setAttribute() method, all three of my Portlet object is now at different vertical position, where it now looks like a stair.
May I know how can I fix this? Below is my codes:
May I know how can I fix this? Below is my codes:
private Portlet populatePortlet(final int i, final VLayout layout) { final Portlet portlet = new Portlet(); portlet.setHeight((countPortletHeight+20)+"px"); portlet.setBodyColor("transparent"); portlet.setBodyStyle(""); portlet.setLayoutMargin(0); portlet.setShowHeader(false); portlet.setMinWidth(countPortletMinWidth); Element portletElement = portlet.getElement(); if(UserDetailService.isDeviceModeHandsetOrTablet()){ dashletPortlet.setWidth100(); } if(i % 4 == 1) { portlet.setBackgroundColor("#EC5B42"); portlet.setCanSelectText(true); portletElement.setAttribute("PortletId", String.valueOf(portletId)); }else if(i % 4 == 2) { portlet.setBackgroundColor("#F2B134"); portlet.setCanSelectText(true); portletElement.setAttribute("PortletId", String.valueOf(portletId)); }else if(i % 4 == 3) { portlet.setBackgroundColor("#2EB997"); portlet.setCanSelectText(true); portletElement.setAttribute("PortletId", String.valueOf(portletId)); } return portlet; } private Layout populatePortlet(Integer count, String headerContent, int i) { final VLayout vLayout = new VLayout(); vLayout.setWidth100(); vLayout.setHeight100(); vLayout.setBackgroundColor("transparent"); final Label lbl1 = new Label(); lbl1.setContents(Integer.toString(count)); lbl1.setValign(VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM); lbl1.setWidth100(); lbl1.setHeight("80%"); final Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl2.setContents(headerContent); lbl2.setValign(VerticalAlignment.TOP); lbl2.setWidth100(); lbl2.setHeight("20%"); vLayout.addMember(lbl1); vLayout.addMember(lbl2); return vLayout; }