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    Thanks Claudio - we'd actually already fixed this one and you'll find the fix in tomorrow's builds. You'll also find many recent 13.1 Calendar bug-fixes, in which we include adding working rangeCriteria, have been ported to 13.0 in tomorrow's builds.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I can see both issues (fetch size, Date/DateTime for quick add) are fixed using SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-10.
      I noticed a design issue in day/week view now though, when dragging the vertical scrollbars (tested in FF129), where there is a growing gray block in the rightmost column.

      Best regards

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Growing_gray_block.gif
Views:	77
Size:	103.2 KB
ID:	273598


        Hello, I didn't manage to reproduce Blama 's bug with FF and MacOS, but found another one :)

        This also happens with a grid: if I drag a scrollbar down and outside the browser window while holding the mouse button down, and then return to the browser window, always with mouse down, I see the scrollbar moving, but the scrollable area remains still.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Senza nome.gif
Views:	104
Size:	955.6 KB
ID:	273601
        Attached Files


          Hi all,

          ah, for it to happen you need to select an enabled day in day view and set disableWeekends:false in week view.
          Tested here.

          Best regards


            Hi Blama , now I see it, also while using the trackpad, it seems it's selecting cells while scrolling.


              Thanks for the reports guys - the issue is that floating-scrollbars in Firefox do not consume mouse events, so the calendar body was picking them up and was indeed performing drag-selection to create a new event.

              Please retest with tomorrow's builds, dated September 10 or later.


                Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
                Thanks Claudio - we'd actually already fixed this one and you'll find the fix in tomorrow's builds. You'll also find many recent 13.1 Calendar bug-fixes, in which we include adding working rangeCriteria, have been ported to 13.0 in tomorrow's builds.
                Thank you very much.

                By the way, I just noticed that on iOS I've got this error in my application with build "SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-10/Enterprise Deployment" (doesn't happen with "SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-09/Enterprise Deployment")

                [Warning] *18:07:16.193:TMR7:WARN:Log:RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. (ISC_Core.js, line 33293)
                Stack from error.stack:
                stringify@[native code]
                this error happens in a piece of code where I do calendar.fetchData() and then animateShow() on the layout containing the calendar. Actually doing the fetch in the animateShow callback fixes the problem, but I don't think it's normal to have that error.


                  SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-14/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-14)

                  Hello, first I want to confirm the fix for the refreshData in month view (post #30), thanks.

                  Second, I can confirm the fix for the problem first noted by Blama in post #32.

                  But then I noticed that, in the databoundCalendar sample, if you click on a Friday (or Saturday when disableWeekends:false), you'll see the Calendar moving to the left when the quick event dialog is shown:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	2024-09-14 18.19.20.jpg
Views:	60
Size:	48.4 KB
ID:	273662


                    Thanks Claudio - we've fixed this one for today's builds, dated September 15. We'll look into the call-stack issue but haven't just yet, since you have a workaround.
                    Last edited by Isomorphic; 14 Sep 2024, 20:31.


                      SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-15/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-15)

                      I see the fix, thank you very much.


                        Originally posted by claudiobosticco View Post
                        SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-09-10/AllModules Development Only (built 2024-09-10)

                        Hello, the refreshData/invalidateCache methods seems to work only for day/week views, I don't see fetches to occur when in the month view.
                        You can test it in the showcase (databoundCalendar sample):

                        // using a client-only dataSource so that test data is always relative to the current date
                        ID: "eventDS",
                        fields: [
                        {name: "eventId", primaryKey: true, type: "sequence"},
                        {name: "name"},
                        {name: "description"},
                        {name: "startDate", type: "datetime"},
                        {name: "endDate", type: "datetime"}
                        clientOnly: true,
                        testData: eventData
                        ID: "refreshButton",
                        snapTo: "T",
                        title: "Refresh",
                        click: "eventCalendar.refreshData()"
                        ID: "eventCalendar",
                        children: [refreshButton],
                        startDate: eventData.getDataStartDate(),
                        dataSource: eventDS, autoFetchData: true
                        SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-10-03/Enterprise Deployment (built 2024-10-03)

                        Hello, there's a problem which you can verify in the showcase with the above test case. This time the problem is in the week and day views.
                        Start the sample, and using the Refresh button you'll see that refreshData works in week view.
                        Switch to day view and it won't issue a fetch.
                        Then switch to month view and you'll see it working.
                        Switch back to week view and it won't work anymore.


                          hi Claudio - this sounds like you're describing the intended behaviour.

                          It will only ever fetch for the current view, and only if the current view's range is not already inside the previous range.

                          That is - if you show the week view, it will fetch a week of events. If you then change to the day-view, it already has those events, so it doesn't fetch. If you move "next" a bunch of times, it will eventually fetch for a single day (since you are in the day view).

                          If you start from a week or day view and change to the monthView, it will always fetch, because a month-range is always larger than a day or week. Conversely, if you start from a monthView, the week and day views will not fetch, until you navigate outside of the month-view's range.
                          Last edited by Isomorphic; 3 Oct 2024, 07:19.


                            Hello Isomorphic, please note that I'm testing Calendar.refreshData() which I assume will always re-fetch data


                              Thanks Claudio - we've fixed Calendar.refreshData() in all views - a flag wasn't being cleared. Please re-test with tomorrow's build.


                                SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.1d_2024-10-06/Enterprise Deployment (built 2024-10-06)

                                I see it's fixed, thank you very much

