I need to create a fetch/select statement in a datasource's operationBinding where a list of parameters/arguments from the client side need to be passed into the whereClause. Is it possible to pass in a variant list of values? e.g.
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchOperation">
<tableClause>tableA, tableB</tableClause>
<whereClause>tableA.fieldA = tableB.fieldB and tableA.fieldA IN (variant list of values) </whereClause>
Also is it better to build the fetch statement as above or using customSQL statement? e.g.
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId = "fetchOperation">
<customSQL>select ...
where ...
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchOperation">
<tableClause>tableA, tableB</tableClause>
<whereClause>tableA.fieldA = tableB.fieldB and tableA.fieldA IN (variant list of values) </whereClause>
Also is it better to build the fetch statement as above or using customSQL statement? e.g.
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId = "fetchOperation">
<customSQL>select ...
where ...