I've got a problem with comboboxes which values are reset when combo is hidden and shown again. These combos are inside SectionItem and I close and open the SectionItem the values are lost. I've put a changehandler on a combo to make a test and saw that oldValue is OK, and that the new value set is null.
The combo is created this way:
I'm including the main ds (vinculoParlamentar) and the option ds (partido).
I've tested this in FF 21 with 3.0p-2012-08-22 and 3.0p-2013-05-06. GWT version is 2.4.0.
I've got a problem with comboboxes which values are reset when combo is hidden and shown again. These combos are inside SectionItem and I close and open the SectionItem the values are lost. I've put a changehandler on a combo to make a test and saw that oldValue is OK, and that the new value set is null.
The combo is created this way:
ComboBoxItem itemPartido = new ComboBoxItem(); itemPartido.setName("partido"); itemPartido.setTitle("Partido"); itemPartido.setDisplayField("sigla"); itemPartido.setValueField("id"); itemPartido.setWidth(ConstantesConfigCampo.LARGURA_CAMPO_DATA_MEDIO); itemPartido.setOptionDataSource(DataSource.get(Constantes.DS_PARTIDO)); itemPartido.setPrompt(SinoMensagensHolder.mensagens.dt04()); itemPartido.setSortField("sigla");
I've tested this in FF 21 with 3.0p-2012-08-22 and 3.0p-2013-05-06. GWT version is 2.4.0.