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    SmartGWT Power 12.1p / Firefox 115

    After logging in and logging out of our application, any subsequent attempt to re-login appends the following to the URL and does not load the page properly:


    I notice in the Firefox Network console, the app_URL GET is successful (200) but the Transferred column shows Cached. On the first successful login, it lists the amount of bytes transferred.

    Clearing the browser cache allows re-login.

    Presumably, this is a new behavior that just started happening, so, it's important to start with: what did you change right before this started happening?

    Also, Relogin can be implemented in a few different ways (see the docs starting in the QuickStart), so, what approach did you use?

    Then also, can you be more specific about what is happening? Are you saying that the end user has the app open in two different tabs, logs out of one, and then tries to use the other - perhaps by causing a data fetch?

    Or are you saying something more like: the user logs out, then uses a bookmark to go to the app, and this redirect issue happens?


      I'm not aware of anything changing specifically for login. It is worth mentioning that we have 2 applications, and 1 still works for relogin.

      We didn't follow the QuickStart guide for Relogin. When the user logs out, we make a DMI call to do httpSession cleanup on the server and on the client we call:


      On the working app: the user navigates to a landing page where they click Accept, is redirected to a login page to enter user/pass, user logs in, user logs out and is redirected to the landing page and the process repeats.

      On the non-working app, the user navigates to a landing page where they click Accept, is redirected to a login page to enter user/pass, user logs in, user logs out and is redirected to the landing page. Now after they click Accept a new tab is opened with the loginSuccessMarker appended to the appURL.


        Sorry, but since you didn't follow our best practices, we actually have no idea how any of this is implemented, none of it seems to involve our framework code, and we don't have access to your app code.

        You also can't tell us what changed recently..

        So this is very, very little to go on, and it is not possible for anyone to help you with just this information.

        As a further problem, what you've described so far isn't Relogin, it's just ... login.

        Relogin is the process by which you can re-authenticate in a SmartGWT app without having to navigate to a new URL and without data loss. Did you implement that?

        As far as why your "Accept" button would now be opening a new tab with the loginSuccessMarker, so far, we can only suggest that you look at the logic for that Accept button. The logic for this button is not something generated by SmartGWT and we don't have the code for it, so there is no way for us to troubleshoot it.

