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    Problem with id validation in DevMode

    My department decided to update SmartGwt to version 5.0 and SmartClient to version 10.0. The update was successful, but a new problem arose - not a single page was opened in devMode due to the validateID method in the IDManager class, and specifically
    because of the line -

    assert id.matches("[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*") : "Invalid ID : " + id + ". Valid ID's must meet the following pattern [a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*";
    In our project, the id is generated based on the url. I tried to solve this problem by using offline storage, but this added even more problems. Are there any other options to bypass this check without fixing hundreds of lines of code (in my case)?

    "Upgrading" to SmartClient 10.0 would still put you past end-of-life by around 6 years.

    Separately, even SmartClient 1.0, released more than 20 years ago, required field names to be identifiers. It may have seemed to sort-of work in simple situations, but fieldNames and other IDs (such as DataSource IDs) that are not valid identifiers have never been supported and have never actually worked.

    What we would recommend is to:

    1. upgrade to the latest version of SmartClient / SmartGWT

    There is no point in upgrading to some older version, as all versions are maximally backwards compatible. Just upgrade to the latest.

    2. engage consulting to help fix application flaws

    It sounds as if your application has serious flaws that may be longstanding. If you need help, our Consulting teams are here for you!

