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A re-check showed this issue in 13.0 as well, and we've ported the fix - please retest with a 13.0 build dated October 19 or later.
Thanks for the quick response. I forgot to mention the build. We are on build 13.0-p20231012.
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hi kamet4u ,
You didn't mention your version or build-date - we always need that information.
From a quick test, however, we only see this issue in 13.1 and we've applied a fix - please retest with today's build, dated October 12, or a later one.
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Date field not populating in grid filter when called using fetchdata
Hi guys, I am trying to call fetchdata of list grid with the below criteria that we have stored in DB as json using below code.
Code:AdvancedCriteria cr = grid.getFilterEditorCriteria(); String jsonToSave = cr.toJSON();
Code:{ "_constructor":"AdvancedCriteria", "operator":"and", "criteria":[ { "operator":"and", "criteria":[ { "fieldName":"needBy", "operator":"greaterOrEqual", "value":"2024-10-23" }, { "fieldName":"needBy", "operator":"lessOrEqual", "value":"2024-10-25" } ] } ] }
Code:final AdvancedCriteria savedCriteria = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(criteriaJson) ? new AdvancedCriteria(JSONEncoder.decode(criteriaJson)) : new AdvancedCriteria(); getListGrid().fetchData(savedCriteria);
These are date field in datasource.
Code:<field name="needBy" nativeName="need_by" type="date"/>
The fetch works but the date field is not populated in filter
I read about JSONDateFormat.LOGICAL_DATE_CONSTRUCTOR but I am not sure how to use it. Kindly suggest what am I missing here. Thanks in advance.
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