Hi there,
I'm on SmartGWT EE 4.0d, nightly 2013-05-20.
This is mi issue: I've got a databound ListGrid and a DynamicForm (bind to same datasource as ListGrid) which perform the file upload to database. At the end of DynamicForm.saveData(...) execution (upload process), I obtain the exceptions in attach (marked with _UPLOAD) and after that, when ListGrid attempt to perform a "fetch" operation, no data were loading. In attachment the exceptions (markerd with _FETCH) I got.
Database record are inserted succesfully (checked by pgAdminIII).
Here some of my code:
DocumentDAO.java (DMI implementation based on Spring):
Form source:
Client datasource definition:
Server (.ds.xml) datasource definition:
Hibernate entity:
and the Postgresql table definition (binary file going into bytea column):
Any suggestion?
Thanks, Luca.
I'm on SmartGWT EE 4.0d, nightly 2013-05-20.
This is mi issue: I've got a databound ListGrid and a DynamicForm (bind to same datasource as ListGrid) which perform the file upload to database. At the end of DynamicForm.saveData(...) execution (upload process), I obtain the exceptions in attach (marked with _UPLOAD) and after that, when ListGrid attempt to perform a "fetch" operation, no data were loading. In attachment the exceptions (markerd with _FETCH) I got.
Database record are inserted succesfully (checked by pgAdminIII).
Here some of my code:
DocumentDAO.java (DMI implementation based on Spring):
@Repository("documentDao") public class DocumentDao { Logger log = new Logger(DocumentDao.class.getName()); @Autowired private SessionFactory sessionFactory; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public DSResponse fetch(DSRequest dsRequest) throws Exception { DSResponse dsResponse = new DSResponse(); Session hibernateSession = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); List<Document> docList = hibernateSession.getNamedQuery("Document.fetchAll").list(); log.info("FETCH " + docList.size() + " kiosk record"); dsResponse.setData(docList); return dsResponse; } @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public DSResponse add(DSRequest dsRequest, Document item) throws Exception { DSResponse dsResponse = new DSResponse(); Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); item.setFileName(item.getFile().getName()); item.setUploadDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); System.out.println("TEST_SIZE:" + item.getFile().length()); session.saveOrUpdate(item); log.info("ADD new document " + item.getFileName() + " record"); dsResponse.setData(item); return dsResponse; } [...other CRUD metod...]
public class DocumentEditForm extends DynamicForm { private ListGrid referredGrid = null; private Criteria referredGridCurrCriteria = null; private final int WIDTH = 400; private final int HEIGHT = 300; private FileItem fileItem = null; private TextAreaItem notesItem = null; public DocumentEditForm(ListGrid referredGrid) { this.referredGrid = referredGrid; this.referredGridCurrCriteria = referredGrid.getCriteria(); setDataSource(this.referredGrid.getDataSource()); setWidth(WIDTH); setHeight(HEIGHT); setMargin(5); setCellPadding(5); setAutoFocus(true); setUseAllDataSourceFields(false); initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { fileItem = new FileItem(DocumentDSFields.FILE.getAlias()); fileItem.setColSpan(2); fileItem.setWidth("100%"); fileItem.setTitleOrientation(TitleOrientation.TOP); notesItem = new TextAreaItem(DocumentDSFields.NOTES.getAlias()); notesItem.setColSpan(2); notesItem.setWidth("100%"); notesItem.setTitleOrientation(TitleOrientation.TOP); notesItem.setLength(2048); ButtonItem saveBtn = new ButtonItem("saveBtn", "Add"); saveBtn.setWidth(60); saveBtn.setColSpan(2); saveBtn.setIcon("[SKIN]/actions/add.png"); saveBtn.setAlign(Alignment.CENTER); saveBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (validate()) { saveData(new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse dsResponse, Object data, DSRequest dsRequest) { resetValues(); referredGrid.filterData(referredGridCurrCriteria); } }); } } }); this.setFields(fileItem, notesItem, new SpacerItem(), saveBtn); } }
public class DocumentDS extends DataSource { private DataSourceField id = null; private DataSourceField filename = null; private DataSourceField uploadDate = null; private DataSourceField notes = null; private DataSourceField file = null; /** * Default constructor */ public DocumentDS(String dsAlias) { setID(dsAlias); id = new DataSourceField(DocumentDSFields.ID.getAlias(), FieldType.SEQUENCE); id.setPrimaryKey(true); id.setRequired(true); id.setHidden(true); filename = new DataSourceField(DocumentDSFields.FILENAME.getAlias(), FieldType.TEXT); filename.setTitle(I18n.CST.documentFilenameLbl()); uploadDate = new DataSourceField(DocumentDSFields.UPLOAD_DATE.getAlias(), FieldType.DATETIME); uploadDate.setTitle(I18n.CST.docuemtnUploadDateLbl()); notes = new DataSourceField(DocumentDSFields.NOTES.getAlias(), FieldType.TEXT); notes.setTitle(I18n.CST.docuemtnNotesLbl()); notes.setLength(2048); file = new DataSourceField(DocumentDSFields.FILE.getAlias(), FieldType.BINARY); setFields(id, filename, uploadDate, notes, file); } }
<DataSource ID="dpDocument" schemaBean="it.onetech.dtproviding.server.entity.Document"> <serverObject lookupStyle="spring" bean="documentDao" /> </DataSource>
@Entity @Table(name = "document") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Document.fetchAll", query = "from Document order by fileName") }) public class Document implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1182313769904090209L; @Id @SequenceGenerator(name = "idSeq", sequenceName = "document_id_seq") @GeneratedValue(generator = "idSeq") protected Long id = null; @Column(name = "filename") protected String fileName = null; @Column(name = "upload_gmt") protected Date uploadDate = null; @Column(name = "add_info") protected String notes = null; @Column(name = "file") protected File file = null; [...getter and setter...]
CREATE TABLE dtproviding.document ( id bigserial NOT NULL, filename character varying(255), upload_gmt timestamp without time zone, add_info character varying(2048), file bytea, CONSTRAINT document_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) )
Thanks, Luca.