We're moving to 13.1 and i'd like to use the new cool ToggleSwitch so i'm replacing it everywhere. However, i find it too wide and high, so i'd like to resize it.
A noob question, i suppose but i can't get it to work.
I've tried in source code:
i tried changing the css:
i didn't find any reference to ToggleItem in load_skin so i just tried adding:
Nothing works. I'm sure it's super easy but i can't find it...
A noob question, i suppose but i can't get it to work.
I've tried in source code:
ToggleItem boolItem = new ToggleItem(dataSourceField.getName(), dataSourceField.getTitle()); boolItem.setWidth(30);
.toggleSwitch, .toggleSwitchOff, .toggleSwitchOn { /* General styles for the toggle switch */ width: 30px;
if (isc.ToggleItem) {
height: formItemHeight,
width: 30
height: formItemHeight,
width: 30