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    Check box not editable in Chrome

    I have a class that extends Checkbox Item and its functionality is to put in a hash map the current value of it. It is not a problem with the name String variable as in Firefox same code behaves as expected.It appears in Google Chrome after letting it run for long period(10-12 hours).
    public void onEditorEnter(EditorEnterEvent event) {
    /*some code */
    public void onEditorExit(EditorExitEvent event) {
    map.put(name, getValueAsBoolean() ? 1.0 : 0.0);

    First. Remember to always post the specific product and exact version (including build date) that you are using - this is always required.

    Then, you should back up and try to explain what you are trying to achieve from the end user’s perspective (not the developer’s perspective).

    A CheckboxItem has a Boolean value as its underlying value, as it should, and you are swimming upstream, probably needlessly, in trying to do something else. If you need conversion to a numeric value there are many other places to do this, such as in the DataSource layer.

    Finally, for completeness (as it’s probably not relevant), we can’t make any sense of your claim that something different happens in some browsers after 10-12 hours. There is no plausible mechanism by which this code would change behavior over time, and you haven’t even mentioned what’s different.

