I'm using smartgwt 3.1p_2013-06-19 in Firefox 21.
I have parent Canvas with setSnapHGap(150) and setSnapVGap(150) as a grid for snap Canvas with setSnapToGrid(true).
When I try drag&drop the snap canvas over the parent, just a small movement (1-2 px) to jump to the next field bottom or right. But if I want to jump next field left or top, I need long mouse move.
This behavior is very uncomfortable.
Can I tune some parameters to improve this behavior?
Here is full code exapmle:
I'm using smartgwt 3.1p_2013-06-19 in Firefox 21.
I have parent Canvas with setSnapHGap(150) and setSnapVGap(150) as a grid for snap Canvas with setSnapToGrid(true).
When I try drag&drop the snap canvas over the parent, just a small movement (1-2 px) to jump to the next field bottom or right. But if I want to jump next field left or top, I need long mouse move.
This behavior is very uncomfortable.
Can I tune some parameters to improve this behavior?
Here is full code exapmle:
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint; import com.smartgwt.client.types.DragAppearance; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas; public class SnapTest implements EntryPoint { private int width = 150; private int height = 150; private Canvas parent; private Canvas snap; public void onModuleLoad() { parent = new Canvas(); parent.setWidth100(); parent.setHeight100(); parent.setSnapHGap(width); parent.setSnapVGap(height); parent.draw(); drawGrid(); snap = new Canvas(); snap.setCanDragReposition(true); snap.setDragAppearance(DragAppearance.TARGET); snap.setBackgroundColor("red"); snap.setSnapToGrid(true); snap.setWidth(width); snap.setHeight(height); snap.setParentElement(parent); snap.moveTo(width, height); } private void drawGrid() { Canvas cnv; for (int curHeight = 0;(curHeight + height) < parent.getHeight(); curHeight += height) { for (int curWidth = 0;(curWidth + width) < parent.getWidth(); curWidth += width) { cnv = getCanvas(); cnv.moveTo(curWidth, curHeight); } } } private Canvas getCanvas() { Canvas cnv = new Canvas(); cnv.setWidth(width); cnv.setHeight(height); cnv.setParentElement(parent); cnv.setBorder("1px solid blue"); return cnv; } }