Can we ask that you please read what we're saying a bit more closely:
Server-side classes are com.isomorphic.*, client-side classes are com.smartgwt.*. The APIs we referred to (addToTemplateContext() for example) are server-side APIs.
Just for completeness, one uses server-side classes when writing server-side code, and one uses client-side classes when writing client-side code.
I went to page 42 of the guide and started reading.
From the text below I take it to mean that the server side is "automatically parsed by a servelt" so I am not doing anything.
While from 1, is what I am doing with my new DSRequest and my fetch on a listgrid. That sounds fine.
What is the correct include path for both the list grid and the DSRequest for step 1 of this server framework?
1. DSRequest serialization: requests from DataSources are automatically serialized and delivered to the server.
2. DSRequest parsing: requests are automatically parsed by a servlet included with the Smart GWT server framework, and become com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest Java Objects.
3. Authentication, validation, and role-based security checks are performed based on declarations in your DataSource descriptor (.ds.xml file). For example, requiresRole="manager".
Looks like most or all of this material must be new to you. Please read at a minimum the entire Server Framework chapter; as far as we can tell, you've never added any server-side Java code, and this chapter explains how that works in depth.
Yes, we have answered that question (actually multiple approaches have been provided). First, review the QuickStart Guide, then, re-read the posts. Once you've understood some basics about the product, the posts should be very easily understood as well.
I got confused by your post as follows. I thought you were asking me to do this on the client code. And clearly you were asking me to do it on the server. Though I did not realize that.
Second, it may be that $advancedCriteria has an issue where it can't return Arrays - we'll check on this - but if so, you can get around this by retrieving the Array value in Java (use dsRequest.getCriterialValue("arrEnt")) and providing it to the Velocity context separately (use dsRequest.addToTemplateContext()).
I would like to do this from the client. As I have not written any server code to do a DSRequest. Is there no way for me to pass an array of strings from the client to my .ds.xml without writing server code?
If array of strings can't be passed in advanced criteria. Can I pass a map or some other type of collection? I noticed foreach can iterate over a map, so perhaps this will work?
You *can* pass an array of strings in AdvancedCriteria (see post #9 - isOneOf operator takes Arrays. Also post #11: explicitly told you again that you can pass Arrays in criteria).
You are in fact *already* successfully passing an Array to the server in AdvancedCriteria (your log shows this). The Array is being communicated intact, it's just not a valid value for the "equals" operator, but it would be for other operators.
Now, you need to add server code to process that Array (post #9 again). No, there is no way to write code that does this from the client.