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    Set skin on load

    SmartGWT 3.1p-2012-11-23
    SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-23/LGPL Development Only (built 2012-11-23)
    GWT 2.5
    FF 19

    As a reference I looked at all posts I could find on the topic, and the showcase project itself.
    I am trying to set the skin when the app loads to:
    1. "Mobile" for mobiles
    2. "Enterprise" otherwise
    For now, I am setting the skin via the "skin" url parameter, such as "" so that I can test quickly

    Here is the code:

      <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwtNoTheme"/>
      <inherits name=""/>
      <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterprise.EnterpriseResources"/>
      <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlueResources"/>
      <!--<inherits name=""/>-->
      <inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.simplicity.SimplicityResources"/>
        <!-- add a loading indicator -->
        <div id="loadingWrapper">
          <div id="loading">
            <div class="loadingIndicator">
            <img src="images/portal/icon/statusCodeAll.gif" width="36" height="36" style="margin-right:8px;float:left;vertical-align:top;"/>DoctorMeow<br/>
            <span id="loadingMsg">Loading...</span></div>
        <!-- load the skin, from smartgwt showcase/index.html -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
        // from
        // changed to return null instead of "" if a value is not set
        function gup(name, defaultValue){
          name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");  
          var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";  
          var regex = new RegExp( regexS );  
          var results = regex.exec( window.location.href ); 
          if( results == null )    return defaultValue;  
          else    return results[1];
        // url-specific processing
        var skin = gup ("skin", "Enterprise");
        var mobileFlag = gup ("mobile", "false");
        if (mobileFlag == "true") {
          skin = "Mobile";
        alert ('skin: ' + skin)
        loadJavascriptFile ("portal/sc/skins/" + skin + "/load_skin.js?isc_version=8.3.js");
        <!-- load the app -->
        <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="portal/portal.nocache.js"></script>
    However, I ran into the following:
    1. Visit ""
    2. The code below shows a popup that says skin = Enterprise
    3. The browser dev console shows that the following resource is not found - note that the skin is "standard" instead of "enterprise"
    4. I looked for the following, just in case, and it does not exist, so even if the skin name if Enterprise, it would not work
    I also ran into the following:
    1. Add <inherits name=""/> to Portal.gwt.xml
    2. Visit ""
    3. No matter how I set the skin, the skin used to render the app is Mobile
    4. So I looked at portal/portal.nocache.js, and it includes this:
    5. It seems that when the Mobile skin is included, it wins over load_skin.js

    Any ideas?