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    API difference between the smartgwt3.0 jar and the javadoc


    I am using SmartGwt 3.0 jar and I have encountered difference between the API in the source code and the javadoc provided. Some of the differences which I encountered are as below:

    1. DSResponse: The setOperationType(DSOperationType operationType) is available in javadoc at below link but not found in the jar which I am using.

    JavaDoc link:

    2. ListGrid: I read about ListGrid.saveEdits method in multiple forums but I am not able to find this method in my jar.

    Please help me find out reason for these differences

    The online JavaDoc is for a more recent version.

    The JavaDoc that came with your SDK matches the classes in the .jar from the same SDK.


      Thanks for your reply.
      Does it mean that if I use smartGWT version 3.1, then I'll be able to access all these APIs in LGPL version?

      The reason I am asking this question is because the release notes for version 3.1 does not mention about these APIs.

      Please reply as soon as possible as I need to finish the feasibility study of smart GWT for our project.


        See the blog at for feature announcements. We do not list specific API additions. This API (setOperationType()) does indeed exist in 3.1.

        At any given time the JavaDoc on the website is for the most recent version, and if you specifically go here it's for the latest development build.

        The JavaDoc included in any downloaded package matches the version of that package.


          API not found for ListGrid.saveEdits

          Thanks for your reply. I could find setOperationType method but below one is still not found.

          2. ListGrid: I read about ListGrid.saveEdits method in multiple forums but I am not able to find this method in my jar.

          I am able to find ListGrid.saveAllEdits method but this one saves data from all editable rows. Hence I want to use method ListGrid.saveEdits which is used for saving only one specific row.


            Probably this is not related to smartGWT version. So I have also posted the detailed query in a separate thread.


            Please guide me.

