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    Partial Refreshing of List Grid


    I am using smartGWT ListGrid widget along with DataSource for one of our projects. If I have to refresh the data for whole row, then I can do this using updateCaches() method.
    I have a new requirement of partial refresh of Data .

    e.g. Suppose I have 6 fields in my ListGrid. I want to frequently refresh data for only first 2 fields of particular rows and do not want to disturb other fields of that particular row..
    For refreshing all 6 columns for a particular row I pass only the affected rows to DataSource using updateCaches(). This updates all the fields of that particular row.

    Please suggest ways to implement it. I need information urgently for completing feasibility study with smartGWT for our project.

    I think the solution to above problem would be to segregate the the underlying dataSource element for the Listgrid but I am unable to think of means to achieve it.

    I had thought of using inheritance in datasource to achieve it
    e.g. Having a dataSource of 2 fields and then 2nd datasource inheriting from 1st datasource with 4 new fields. Now setting the 2nd datasource to Listgrid.

    But after analysis, it seems this solution would achieve the purpose because inheritance will only extend the fields of 2nd datasource but ultimately it'll appear as single datasource.

    Please suggest some ways/design which can help me achieve the segregation of ListGrid fields at DataSource level.

