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    Real-time messaging performance

    Hi All,

    We have using real-time messaging api to notify and send the new server data to the UI as a java Map to display in a list grid.

    We have a scenario when our application receives large number data from the external device which we have to display in the list grid. There are cases when the back-end receives thousands of records in a second or two. In this case, the UI seems to be hanging and not responding to the user operation and finally time-out.

    Can you please suggest a better approach / idea to deal with such a large amount of data in a small amount of time and how do we handle it through messaging API.

    Thanks and best regards

    We don't have enough information about what the data is and what your overall use case to really recommend an approach, what we can say is:

    1. the browser is probably locking up because of your logic for processing the data coming through Real-time Messaging, and not because of the data delivery mechanism is Real-time Messaging itself; this is easy to test by just temporarily disabling your code for processing updates.

    2. Real-time Messaging should generally be used to deliver small incremental updates to data. If you are doing something like receiving a large, initial dataset where Real-time Messaging will be used to later deliver incremental updates, to retrieve this initial dataset, you should use DataSource.fetchData() and other standard data fetch approaches.

