I'm hitting this JS error suddenly.
When I compare the 4.0 ListGrid source of that method with the source of https://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/s.../ListGrid.java it seems this method has been changed.
My code is some loop which does some checks on all ListGrids, and I have an embedded com.smartgwt.client.widgets.DateChooser, which seems to be a ListGrid as well, which is giving this exception, as the ID of the Canvas which is going wrong is "isc_DateChooser_0_dateGrid".
There is some more code in ListGrid using this _jsOverrideCall property. Is it something we should fix?
SmartGWT 4 v9.0p_2013-07-17/Pro Deployment (built 2013-07-17)
I'm hitting this JS error suddenly.
When I compare the 4.0 ListGrid source of that method with the source of https://code.google.com/p/smartgwt/s.../ListGrid.java it seems this method has been changed.
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : self_0._jsOverrideCall is undefined Unknown.$getTotalRows(ListGrid.java:13825) public native int getTotalRows() /*-{ var self = this.@com.smartgwt.client.widgets.BaseWidget::getOrCreateJsObj()(); if (self._jsOverrideCall.getTotalRows) { self._fireDefaultMethod.getTotalRows = true; return 0; } var ret = self.__getTotalRows(); if (!$wnd.isc.isA.Number(ret)) ret = 0; return ret; }-*/;
There is some more code in ListGrid using this _jsOverrideCall property. Is it something we should fix?
SmartGWT 4 v9.0p_2013-07-17/Pro Deployment (built 2013-07-17)