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    Need a sample self-contained Maven project for a Smart GWT application

    I spent quite a few hours searching the Web for a way to use Maven to build a simple Smart GWT application. Note of the directions are working - the archetype generates a project which cannot be built, all other directions lead nowhere.

    Can someone PLEASE direct me or post a self-contained Maven project (with the pom.xml which contains all the required repositories, dependencies, etc.) which builds a Smart GWT application and may be run with jetty or tomcat?

    Thanks in advance!

    Seems like you must have missed this thread.


      Your directions lead nowhere... a bunch of jar files in a temp directory

      Why can you not provide a simple self-contained pom.xml and sources to build a SmartGWT "hello world" application?

      Your instructions in the thread you mentioned are confusing and lead nowhere - having a bunch of pom files and a jar in a temp directory is meaningless - what do I do next?

      All the stuff the thread says to place in settings.xml may go into pom.xml of the sample project and the sample pom.xml may include all the steps necessary to download and use the smartgwt-lgpl.jar.

      At this time I'm pretty much giving up and moving to Vaadin - they provide clear instructions for Maven use as well as provide all the necessary artifacts in a regular Maven repository.


        The setup process is straightforward and has worked for many people, as you can see in that thread.

        If your technology decision is really going to be influenced by one extra step in installation when you insist upon Maven - well best of luck!


          Originally posted by pcbsd View Post
          Note of the directions are working - the archetype generates a project which cannot be built, all other directions lead nowhere.
          The archetype I assume you're talking about was meant to kickstart Pro+ development, and uses obsolete group/artifactIds anyway. I should probably fix that, but nobody has asked politely.

          With regard to the instructions in the other thread, you could be a little more specific about what's unclear. It seems pretty simple to me.

          Originally posted by pcbsd View Post
          Why can you not provide a simple self-contained pom.xml and sources to build a SmartGWT "hello world" application?

          Your instructions in the thread you mentioned are confusing and lead nowhere - having a bunch of pom files and a jar in a temp directory is meaningless - what do I do next?
          Use the artifacts that the plugin installed into your repo like you would for any other artifact. Ignore the files in your temp directory. Delete them if you want.

          Originally posted by pcbsd View Post

          All the stuff the thread says to place in settings.xml may go into pom.xml of the sample project and the sample pom.xml may include all the steps necessary to download and use the smartgwt-lgpl.jar.
          Thanks, but no that's not how it's going to work.

          Originally posted by pcbsd View Post
          At this time I'm pretty much giving up and moving to Vaadin - they provide clear instructions for Maven use as well as provide all the necessary artifacts in a regular Maven repository.
          Not that I care, or think that anyone else does either, but that seems pretty silly. If you're really having that much trouble with it:

          1. Run the plugin's install goal, using the instructions in post#1. Really, it's not that hard.

          2. Set up your Maven project to use the artifacts that were installed for you. Like any other Maven project.


