Hi, I have a client-side data source for CRUD operations on client-side XML.
It works fine in SGWT 3.1, but hangs in 4.0 when calling DataSource.getField()
Creating is like
See the attached picture for a stack trace. It hangs on a socket read, although it should not do any network calls. This problem only appears with SmartGWT 4.0. It did not appear with SmartGWT 3.1. Please help.
Remark: This is related to my client-local data source for editing portions of a big complex XML mentioned in this thread which otherwise works well.
SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2013-08-07/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-08-07), IE9.0.8112
It works fine in SGWT 3.1, but hangs in 4.0 when calling DataSource.getField()
Creating is like
public class LocalXmlDsImpl extends DataSource { public LocalXmlDsImpl( super(); setRecordXPath(recordXPath); setID(id); setDataFormat(DSDataFormat.CUSTOM); setDataProtocol(DSProtocol.CLIENTCUSTOM); setAddGlobalId(false); // addings fields created with 'new DataSourceField();', properties copied from XmlTools.LoadXmlSchema() datasources /* HERE IT HANGS */ DataSourceField uuidField = ds.getField("UUId"); uuidField.setPrimaryKey(true); uuidField.setHidden(true);
Remark: This is related to my client-local data source for editing portions of a big complex XML mentioned in this thread which otherwise works well.
SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2013-08-07/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-08-07), IE9.0.8112