In the following scenario, I have a ListGrid with fields that can be changed depending on user input. Currently fields = {f1} ...
I would like it to only show f2="2"
I think the setAttribute(attr, null) is not working. How do I programmatically clear a value in a ListGrid cell/record?
1. User creates row in ListGrid and sets f1="1" 2. User makes input elsewhere that causes fields to change. New fields = {f2} - App attempts to clear f1 values in existing records - Calls ListGrid.getRecords() - For each record, Record.setAttribute("f1", (String) null) - Calls ListGrid.setFields(newFields) 3. User edits previous row and sets f2="2" (f1 is not displayed anymore) 4. User action to save ListGrid with custom DMI - In the RPC tab of the dev console, it shows f1="1" and f2="2"
I think the setAttribute(attr, null) is not working. How do I programmatically clear a value in a ListGrid cell/record?