Hi Isomorphic,
I think I hit a bug when it comes to Velocity-expressions using non-integer fields of a DataSource.
I want to make sure for two date fields (start and end) that start<=end. I enforce this in the DB and would like to have a validator for it as well.
I read http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...erverCondition in detail (therefore no use of "dsRequest.oldValues") and think there is something wrong with "fetchById".
I use the following t_user.ds.xml:
I get the following error:
I did some tests "debugging" by changing the ds.xml and reloading and come to the conclusion that the error is most likely related to non-Integer fields in the ds.xml.
For example this (useless) validator works:
My environment:
Firefox 23.0.1
Tomcat 7.0.42
SmartGWT v9.0p_2013-08-17/EVAL Deployment 2013-08-17
Oracle 11g
Table DDL:
Could you check if there is something wrong here for you, too.
Also I noticed that I will (most likely) get a 2nd problem after this one is solved as the $value handed over to Velocity for a date is "TO_DATE('....', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')". ">" and "<"-text-comparison would lead to the correct result here, but I think (?) that Velocity will complain about me wanting to compare strings and not numbers (see 2nd error above "Left side of '>=' operation is not a Number").
Therefore it would be great if you also could extend the example
http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...ation_velocity with a check for "wanted delivery date >= today" or something like this in order to show the correct usage here. I noticed that the explanation in http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...Validator.html is now way more verbose, but I think that this additional example would really help a lot.
Thank you,
I think I hit a bug when it comes to Velocity-expressions using non-integer fields of a DataSource.
I want to make sure for two date fields (start and end) that start<=end. I enforce this in the DB and would like to have a validator for it as well.
I read http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...erverCondition in detail (therefore no use of "dsRequest.oldValues") and think there is something wrong with "fetchById".
I use the following t_user.ds.xml:
<DataSource dbName="Oracle" tableName="T_USER" ID="T_USER" dataSourceVersion="1" serverType="sql"> <fields> <field primaryKey="true" hidden="true" name="ID" type="sequence"></field> <field hidden="true" name="TENANT_ID" title="TENANT_ID" type="integer"></field> <field foreignKey="V_USER_MODIFIED_BY.ID" name="MODIFIED_BY" title="Geändert von" type="integer"></field> <field name="MODIFIED_AT" title="Geändert am" type="date"></field> <field foreignKey="T_COMPANY.ID" name="BELONGSTO_COMPANY_ID" title="Firma" type="integer"></field> <field foreignKey="T_DISTRIBUTOR.ID" name="BELONGSTO_DISTRIBUTOR_ID" title="Distributor" type="integer"></field> <field foreignKey="T_RESELLER.ID" name="BELONGSTO_RESELLER_ID" title="Reseller" type="integer"></field> <field name="ANREDE" title="Anrede" length="10" type="text" escapeHTML="true"></field> <field name="GIVENNAME" title="Vorname" length="30" type="text" escapeHTML="true"></field> <field name="SURNAME" title="Nachname" length="30" type="text" escapeHTML="true" required="true"></field> <field name="LOGINNAME" title="Loginname" length="20" type="text" escapeHTML="true" required="true"> <validators> <validator type="isUnique" errorMessage="Der Benutzername ist schon vergeben!"></validator> </validators> </field> <field name="FUNCTION" title="Funktion" length="50" type="text" escapeHTML="true" required="true"></field> <field name="BCRYPTHASH" title="Passwort" length="60" type="text" escapeHTML="true"></field> <field name="PASSWORD1" customSelectExpression="''" title="Passwort" length="60" type="text" escapeHTML="true" canEdit="true"></field> <field name="PASSWORD2" customSelectExpression="''" title="Passwortwiederholung" length="60" type="text" escapeHTML="true" canEdit="true"> <validators> <validator type="matchesField" otherField="PASSWORD1" errorMessage="Passwort und Passwortwiederholung müssen übereinstimmen!"></validator> </validators> </field> <field name="GUELTIGBIS" title="Login gültig bis" type="date" canEdit="true"></field> <field name="GUELTIGVON" title="Login gültig von" type="date" required="true" canEdit="true"> <validators> <validator type="serverCustom"> <serverCondition><![CDATA[ ("$!record.GUELTIGBIS" == "" && "$value" <= "$dataSources.T_USER.fetchById($record.ID).GUELTIGBIS") || ("$!record.GUELTIGBIS" != "" && "$value" <= "$!record.GUELTIGBIS") ]]></serverCondition> <errorMessage>Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Startdatum nicht kleiner als das Enddatum sein darf!</errorMessage> </validator> </validators> </field> <!-- Validator hinzufügen --> <field name="FEHLERHAFT" title="Anzahl fehlerhafter Logins" type="integer" required="true"></field> <field name="LASTLOGIN" title="letztes Login am" type="datetime"></field> <field name="EMAIL" title="eMail" length="50" type="text" escapeHTML="true"> <validators> <validator type="regexp" expression="^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|[cC][oO][mM]|[oO][rR][gG]|[nN][eE][tT]|[eE][dD][uU]|[gG][oO][vV]|[mM][iI][lL]|[bB][iI][zZ]|[iI][nN][fF][oO]|[mM][oO][bB][iI]|[nN][aA][mM][eE]|[aA][eE][rR][oO]|[aA][sS][iI][aA]|[jJ][oO][bB][sS]|[mM][uU][sS][eE][uU][mM])$" errorMessage="Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Emailadresse ein."></validator> </validators> </field> <field name="FIRMENNAME" customSelectExpression="CASE WHEN c.name IS NULL AND d.name IS NULL THEN r.name WHEN c.name IS NULL AND r.name IS NULL THEN d.name WHEN d.name IS NULL AND r.name IS NULL THEN c.name END"> </field> <field name="ROLELIST" title="zugeordnete Rollen" type="text" escapeHTML="true" canEdit="false" tableName="rl" /> </fields> <serverObject lookupStyle="new" className="com.lmscompany.lms.server.worker.T_USER" /> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" outputs="ID, TENANT_ID, MODIFIED_BY, MODIFIED_AT, BELONGSTO_COMPANY_ID, BELONGSTO_DISTRIBUTOR_ID, BELONGSTO_RESELLER_ID, ANREDE, GIVENNAME, SURNAME, LOGINNAME, FUNCTION, GUELTIGVON, GUELTIGBIS, FEHLERHAFT, LASTLOGIN, EMAIL, FIRMENNAME"> <tableClause> t_user LEFT OUTER JOIN t_company c ON t_user.belongsto_company_id = c.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN t_distributor d ON t_user.belongsto_distributor_id = d.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN t_reseller r ON t_user.belongsto_reseller_id = r.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id, listagg(r.shortname, ', ') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY r.shortname) AS rolelist FROM t_user_role ur INNER JOIN t_role r ON ur.role_id = r.ID GROUP BY ur.user_id ) rl ON t_user.ID = rl.user_id </tableClause> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="getUserIdForLoginname" outputs="ID, LOGINNAME, GIVENNAME, SURNAME, FIRMENNAME, ROLELIST, TENANT_ID, BELONGSTO_COMPANY_ID, BELONGSTO_DISTRIBUTOR_ID, BELONGSTO_RESELLER_ID"> <tableClause> t_user LEFT OUTER JOIN t_company c ON t_user.belongsto_company_id = c.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN t_distributor d ON t_user.belongsto_distributor_id = d.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN t_reseller r ON t_user.belongsto_reseller_id = r.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id, listagg(r.shortname, ', ') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY r.shortname) AS rolelist FROM t_user_role ur INNER JOIN t_role r ON ur.role_id = r.ID GROUP BY ur.user_id ) rl ON t_user.ID = rl.user_id </tableClause> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchTabname" outputs="ID, GIVENNAME, SURNAME, LOGINNAME" /> <operationBinding operationType="add"> <values fieldName="MODIFIED_BY" value="$session.authenticatedUserID" /> <values fieldName="MODIFIED_AT" value="$currentDate" /> <values fieldName="TENANT_ID" value="$session.authenticatedUserTenantID" /> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="update"> <values fieldName="MODIFIED_BY" value="$session.authenticatedUserID" /> <values fieldName="MODIFIED_AT" value="$currentDate" /> <values fieldName="TENANT_ID" value="$session.authenticatedUserTenantID" /> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>
=== 2013-08-19 20:30:34,067 [ec-9] DEBUG Velocity - Null reference [template 'CustomValidator', line 2, column 115] : $dataSource.fetchById($record.ID).GUELTIGBIS cannot be resolved. === 2013-08-19 20:30:34,067 [ec-9] ERROR Velocity - Left side of '>=' operation is not a Number at CustomValidator[line 2, column 113]
For example this (useless) validator works:
<validators> <validator type="serverCustom"> <serverCondition><![CDATA[ ("$!record.GUELTIGBIS" == "" && "3" != "$dataSource.fetchById($record.ID).FEHLERHAFT") || ("$!record.GUELTIGBIS" != "" && "$value" <= "$!record.GUELTIGBIS") ]]></serverCondition> <errorMessage>Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Startdatum nicht kleiner als das Enddatum sein darf!</errorMessage> </validator> </validators>
Firefox 23.0.1
Tomcat 7.0.42
SmartGWT v9.0p_2013-08-17/EVAL Deployment 2013-08-17
Oracle 11g
Table DDL:
CREATE TABLE t_user ( id INTEGER NOT NULL , tenant_id INTEGER NOT NULL , modified_by INTEGER , modified_at DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL , belongsto_company_id INTEGER , belongsto_distributor_id INTEGER , belongsto_reseller_id INTEGER , anrede VARCHAR2 (10 CHAR) , givenname VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) , surname VARCHAR2 (30 CHAR) NOT NULL , loginname VARCHAR2 (20 CHAR) NOT NULL , FUNCTION VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) NOT NULL , bcrypthash VARCHAR2 (60 CHAR) NOT NULL , gueltigvon DATE NOT NULL , gueltigbis DATE , fehlerhaft INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL , lastlogin DATE , email VARCHAR2 (50 CHAR) );
Also I noticed that I will (most likely) get a 2nd problem after this one is solved as the $value handed over to Velocity for a date is "TO_DATE('....', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')". ">" and "<"-text-comparison would lead to the correct result here, but I think (?) that Velocity will complain about me wanting to compare strings and not numbers (see 2nd error above "Left side of '>=' operation is not a Number").
Therefore it would be great if you also could extend the example
http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...ation_velocity with a check for "wanted delivery date >= today" or something like this in order to show the correct usage here. I noticed that the explanation in http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwte...Validator.html is now way more verbose, but I think that this additional example would really help a lot.
Thank you,