I´m struggling with a SQL datasource with a aggregated value similar to the Dynamic Reporting showcase.
In this showcase, sorting based on aggregated values(quantity, totalCost) works fine. However, the qualifyColumnNames are set to false.
Unfortunately, I have a complex query where I need qualified column names. The aggregated names in my query then will be qualified with the table name causing the query to fail. I.e. in the Dynamic Reporting showcase,the generated SQL will use "dynRepOrderItem.totalCost" instead of "totalCost" in the order by clause, which I believe will cause the query to fail?
Any way around this?
Next question is regarding criteria on aggregated fields. In the Dynamic Reporting showcase, is it possible to create criteria on the totalCost field that will be correctly generated in a HAVING SQL clause?
Finally, what is the purpose of the groupWhereClause?
SmartClient Version: v9.0d_2013-07-04/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-07-04)
I´m struggling with a SQL datasource with a aggregated value similar to the Dynamic Reporting showcase.
In this showcase, sorting based on aggregated values(quantity, totalCost) works fine. However, the qualifyColumnNames are set to false.
Unfortunately, I have a complex query where I need qualified column names. The aggregated names in my query then will be qualified with the table name causing the query to fail. I.e. in the Dynamic Reporting showcase,the generated SQL will use "dynRepOrderItem.totalCost" instead of "totalCost" in the order by clause, which I believe will cause the query to fail?
Any way around this?
Next question is regarding criteria on aggregated fields. In the Dynamic Reporting showcase, is it possible to create criteria on the totalCost field that will be correctly generated in a HAVING SQL clause?
Finally, what is the purpose of the groupWhereClause?
SmartClient Version: v9.0d_2013-07-04/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-07-04)