I have problem with datasouce integration with Hibernate. I have big project with a lot of hibernate entities. So far we used EJB and DTO to retrive any objects from db. But we decied to use SmartGWT power and to integrate straight with hibernate at some views using autoDeriveSchema.
BUT - our db is generated from model and there is set NamingStrategy. My question is : can I add NamingStrategy to hibernate config or ds.xml so that could SmartGWT handle it?
Or do I have to re-generate model from db to my web project? O mby there is other way to do it quick and simple :)?
I have problem with datasouce integration with Hibernate. I have big project with a lot of hibernate entities. So far we used EJB and DTO to retrive any objects from db. But we decied to use SmartGWT power and to integrate straight with hibernate at some views using autoDeriveSchema.
BUT - our db is generated from model and there is set NamingStrategy. My question is : can I add NamingStrategy to hibernate config or ds.xml so that could SmartGWT handle it?
Or do I have to re-generate model from db to my web project? O mby there is other way to do it quick and simple :)?