It worked like a charm.
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The filterButton width is tied to the scrollbarWidth for the RecordEditor (the special filter-editor row at the top of your ListGrid is a RecordEditor instance).
This is basically assumed to be the same width as the scrollbar width for the ListGrid.
You could customize this as follows:
Code:isc.RecordEditor.addProperties({ scrollbarSize:30 });
There's no obvious reason why this should not "just work" but we'd recommend some thorough application-level testing as the component was designed assuming that the filter button would float over the grid body scrollbar, and changing this has not been extensively tested.
Isomorphic Software
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Filter Icon Visible Width
SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v9.1d_2013-09-15/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-09-15)
The scrollbar is very thin in our custom theme. We like it that way.
But the Filter button icon seems to be limited in its width to the scrollbar width so it looks cropped on top of the grid.
I have used:
Code:myGrid.setFilterButtonProperties(new Button() {{setWidth(40); }});
Is there a way for the filter icon to span into the previous column, if I make that column a non-filterable column?
Any other suggestions, besides changing our theme, to widen the default width of the filter icon?Tags: None
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