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    Strange behavior with resize bar

    I am attempting to create a split pane which contains two gwt wrapped js implementations. The first is google earth plugin, and the second is dhtmlx scheduler. The layout containing GE as a child declares the resize bar and has it point to next.

    The layout containing the scheduler has to manipulate the div element to resize the scheduler, and so it has a ResizedHandler.

    Here is the behavior that I am seeing:
    1. Dragging to make GE smaller works when the plugin doesnt take focus while dragging the resize bar over it, when it does the resize bar disappears.
    2. Dragging to make the scheduler smaller always invokes onResized and getInnerWidth and getInnerHeight appear to report the new desired values correctly and are successfully used to resize the scheduler itself, but the VLayout itself only resizes every other time. i.e. drag to make scheduler smaller, scheduler shrinks but resizeBar snaps back to original position. drag to make scheduler smaller again, resizeBar stays in dropped location, and the VLayout resizes.

    This behavior is quite repeatable. I have tried enabling debug for sizing and resizing, and am not seeing any errors reported, and I am not seeing any uncaught JS exceptions to explain this bizarre situation.

    Any ideas what may be going on here?

    SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2013-10-15/EVAL Deployment (expires 2013.12.14_09.18.02)

    FF 24.0
    IE 8

    1. for components that use iframes or plugins that can "burn through" and/or capture events such that SmartGWT will never receive them, set the Canvas.useDragMask property.

    2. most likely, you have the component set to overflow:visible, which means that it auto-sizes to content, and the content generated by the scheduler component doesn't actually change synchronously in response to your attempt to resize it (or at any rate, not all of it does). Set overflow:hidden instead to correct this.


      I do not see Canvas.useDragMask in SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2013-10-24/EVAL Deployment.


        It's a 4.1 feature. If you need to build an equivalent feature in 4.0, this thread shows how (warning: not especially easy).


          What is the current anticipated release date for 4.1? We are prototyping at present, so we do have some flexibility on waiting for a stable a release.


            We don't like to give dates as they are frequently derailed by nasty new browser bugs. But all major 4.1 features are done and we are mostly focused on bugs and refinements. We will soon announce that projects without an immediate deadline should be using 4.1 builds.


              4.1 appears to work when compiled but attempting to run hosted mode crashes with the following error:

              ERROR: Unable to load module entry point class com.sncorp.gs2_5.ui.client.GsuiEntryPoint (see associated exception for details)
     Something other than a boolean was returned from JSNI method '@com.smartgwt.client.util.SC::keepGlobals()': JS value of type undefined, expected boolean


                This is already fixed for the next build.

