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    Dynamic form added to Toolstrip

    So I have been trying to figure out how to dynamically show FormItems in a ToolStrip.

    I learned that addFormItem actually wraps each item in its own form, this is not the desired behavior, what I really want is a single form with dynamic items.

    So I used the following approach:

    Where the containing class extends ToolStrip. When the component first draws the FormItemIfFunctions are called, and I get the expected result. However, after calling vm.setValue() the FormItemIfFunctions do not fire.
    In order to get the form to update correctly I am forced to do the following

    Is there something wrong with the way I have implemented this?
    Last edited by jpappalardo; 24 Sep 2014, 09:17.

    The docs tell you that redraw() is precisely what you need to do to re-evaluate showIf conditions.

