Hello there,
I have this code where I would want to highlight the cell which pass the criteria condition. the back.png image is displaying but the color of the text is not changing.
I have this code where I would want to highlight the cell which pass the criteria condition. the back.png image is displaying but the color of the text is not changing.
private static final Hilite[] HILITES_1 = new Hilite[]{ new Hilite() {{ setFieldNames("totalAmount"); setCriteria(new Criterion("totalAmount", OperatorId.GREATER_THAN, 5000)); //setBackgroundColor("#FF0000"); //setTextColor("#FF0000"); // setCssText("color:#FF0000"); setCssText("color:#3333FF;background-color:#CDEB8B;"); setHtmlAfter(" " + Canvas.imgHTML("[SKIN]/actions/back.png")); //setId("0"); }} };