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    Enhancement: New example in Client showcase, showing the use of CriteriaEditing

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I'm stuck a bit at CriteriaEditing ( What I want to do is a simple use case:
    1) ListGrid with 1 Integer, 2 String columns
    2) Filter on all columns, 1st is SelectItem (see below), 2nd&3rd Textbox (iEquals)
    3) The SelectItem aggregates (1-10; 10-100; 100+) (effectively requiring an OR-AdvancedCriteria with 3 subcriteria)
    4) Filter should work on single columns and if filtering on many columns.

    The solution should require the use of
    setCanEditCriterionPredicate (new FormItemCanEditCriterionPredicate () {...};
    setCriterionSetter (new FormItemCriterionSetter () {...};
    setCriterionGetter (new FormItemCriterionGetter () {...};
    as there is no example to far and the forums give not enough results for me to get my example working (I get to many calls to the registered functions with actual parameters that don't make sense for me).

    Thank you & best regards,
    Last edited by Blama; 16 Jan 2014, 06:39. Reason: Made testcase really requiring an OR-AdvancedCriteria