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    Bug in TextMatchStyle.SUBSTRING, Enhancement suggestion for TextMatchStyle

    Hi Isomorphic,

    the SQL generated for a ComboBoxItem with TextMatchStyle.SUBSTRING is e.g.
    Code: LIKE '%mysearchstring%' ESCAPE '\' AND IS NOT NULL
    while the javadoc reads "test for case-insenstive substring match".
    The generated SQL for Oracle does not include a UPPER()/LOWER() for the comparison, making the search case-sensitive.

    Either the JavaDoc or the choose of the Operator is wrong here (I think it's the Operator).

    Enhancement: Make it possible for the user to decide if he or she wants the case-sensitive or case-insensitive versions of TextMatchStyle.EXACT, TextMatchStyle.STARTS_WITH and TextMatchStyle.SUBSTRING.

    Best regards,

    Not reproducible. The SQL shown is for MySQL, not Oracle, and in MySQL case-insensitive is the default. The Oracle SQL includes lowercasing of the column value.

    The operator used by ComboBoxItem is already correct, and all the behaviors you are looking for are available via the different OperatorIds you can use with AdvancedCriteria.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I'm pretty sure I'm using Oracle :)
      Where can the error otherwise be? My excerpt is:
      sql.defaultDatabase: Oracle
      sql.useAnsiJoins: true
      sql.Oracle.database.type: oracle
      sql.Oracle.autoJoinTransactions: true
      sql.Oracle.database.supportsSQLLimit: false
      sql.Oracle.interface.credentialsInURL: true
      sql.Oracle.interface.type: dataSource
      sql.Oracle.driver: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
      sql.Oracle.driver.serverName: localhost
      sql.Oracle.driver.portNumber: 1521
      sql.Oracle.driver.databaseName: xe
      sql.Oracle.driver.user: xxx
      sql.Oracle.driver.password: xxx
      sql.Oracle.driver.driverType: thin
      sql.Oracle.driver.networkProtocol: tcp
      Everything else regarding the DB connection works as expected. I'm investigating further here.

      Regarding the enhancement suggestion:
      Yes, you can with setPickListFilterCriteriaFunction. What I meant was adding to TextMatchStyle as convenience API. But I'm fine with setPickListFilterCriteriaFunction, just wanted to let you know it's not there - but if TextMatchStyle.SUBSTRING (and perhaps TextMatchStyle.STARTS_WITH) are case-insensitive, this should be OK for the most use cases. The rest can use setPickListFilterCriteriaFunction.

      Best regards,


        Hi Isomorphic,

        I just saw that the code generated for the HSQLDB engine in the BuiltInDS sample is using LOWER().

        For my Oracle this is definitely not the case. I tried to remove my subclassed SQLDataSource, which didn't change anything.

        The only thing I could imagine is that my settings somehow render SmartGWT to use MySQL settings and that the syntax differences are so little that I didn't hit an error, yet.

        Could you have a look at my (now whole file attached) and see if you find anything suspicious?
        As I saw in the Admin Console that in the column "Database Type" "oracle" is written, I really doubt that something is wrong here, but you never know.

        I attached a screenshot of the Admin Console.

        Best regards,
        # The webRoot directory:
        # the directory that the servlet engine regards as the place where applications 
        # that use the servlet engine should be installed.  Generally, it is safe to leave
        # this at the default setting of __AUTODETECT__.  When the SmartClient server is
        # started, it logs a message to stdout telling you the autodetected path to your
        # webRoot.  If this path is not your actual webRoot, then you'll want to override
        # this config parameter here.
        # Valid values: 
        # 1. Absolute path to the webRoot directory
        # 2. Special token:  __AUTODETECT__
        #    When this token is used, SmartClient attempts to auto-detect the webRoot using
        #    standard servlet APIs.  This may or may not work - depending on your
        #    container type and deployment type.  For example, WAR/EAR deployments
        #    on some containers never make it to disk, and so the container refuses
        #    to provide the webRoot path.
        #    If SmartClient cannnot detect the webRoot, it sets the webRoot to
        #    __USE_CONTAINER__ (see below).
        # 3.  Special token: __USE_CONTAINER__
        #     When this token is used, SmartClient uses standard servet APIs for accessing
        #     filesystem resources.  This is slower than direct file access and, since
        #     the servlet APIs provide no mechanism for writing to disk, means that some
        #     development tools like the FileAssembler will not work.
        #webRoot: __AUTODETECT__
        webRoot: C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/webapps/lms
        # Set this to the GWT module name.
        gwtModuleName: lms
        # if you've moved the isomorphic directory from its default location in webRoot,
        # set the root-relative path to it here
        # For example, if in your deployment the 'isomorphic' dir is in /foo/bar, then set
        # then you'll need to set this to foo/bar/isomorphic
        isomorphicPathRootRelative: $gwtModuleName/sc
        # -------------- PICK DATABASE TO USE --------------------
        # The SmartClient SDK ships with examples that use a database as the persistence
        # layer.  By default, the SDK uses a built-in version of HSQLDB, but you can
        # specify a different database to use here.
        # which database do you want to use?  HSQLDB is enabled by default.
        # sql.defaultDatabase: HSQLDB
        # If you want to use Mysql instead, uncomment the following line
        # and comment all other sql.defaultDatabase definitions
        #sql.defaultDatabase: Mysql
        # If you want to use Oracle instead, uncomment the following line
        # and comment all other sql.defaultDatabase definitions
        sql.defaultDatabase: Oracle
        sql.useAnsiJoins: true
        sql.Oracle.database.type: oracle
        sql.Oracle.autoJoinTransactions: true
        sql.Oracle.database.supportsSQLLimit: false
        sql.Oracle.interface.credentialsInURL: true
        sql.Oracle.interface.type: dataSource
        sql.Oracle.driver: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
        sql.Oracle.driver.serverName: localhost
        sql.Oracle.driver.portNumber: 1521
        sql.Oracle.driver.databaseName: xe
        sql.Oracle.driver.user: xxx
        sql.Oracle.driver.password: xxx
        sql.Oracle.driver.driverType: thin
        sql.Oracle.driver.networkProtocol: tcp
        sql.OracleAdmin.database.type: oracle
        sql.OracleAdmin.autoJoinTransactions: true
        sql.OracleAdmin.database.supportsSQLLimit: false
        sql.OracleAdmin.interface.credentialsInURL: true
        sql.OracleAdmin.interface.type: dataSource
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver: oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.serverName: localhost
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.portNumber: 1521
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.databaseName: xe
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.user: yyy
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.password: yyy
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.driverType: thin
        sql.OracleAdmin.driver.networkProtocol: tcp
        # If you want to use Postgres instead, uncomment the following line
        # and comment all other sql.defaultDatabase definitions
        #sql.defaultDatabase: PostgreSQL
        # If you want to use DB2 instead, uncomment the following line
        # and comment all other sql.defaultDatabase definitions
        #sql.defaultDatabase: DB2
        # -------------- SETTINGS FOR HSQLDB --------------------
        #sql.HSQLDB.database.type: hsqldb
        #sql.HSQLDB.interface.type: driverManager
        #sql.HSQLDB.driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
        #sql.HSQLDB.driver.url: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/isomorphic
        # -------------- LOADING APP AND DATASOURCE DEFINITIONS --------------------
        # Where the system looks for DataSource definition files ([dataSourceId].ds.xml or
        # [dataSourceID].ds.js).  It's useful to put all your DataSources in one 
        # directory since DataSources are frequently shared between applications.  
        # "project.datasources" is also where the DataSource Importer tool looks 
        # for available DataSources.
        project.datasources: $webRoot/ds, $webRoot/types  
        project.ui: $webRoot/shared/ui
        project.apps: $webRoot/shared/app
        # -------------- Other settings --------------------
        # The setting RPCManager.enabledBuiltinMethods enables or disables the BuiltInRPCs - RPC calls
        # that are built into the SmartClient Server.  The setting below reflects the framework default
        # of enabling only those RPCs that are typically needed in an application.
        # See the JavaDoc for com.isomorphic.rpc.BuiltinRPC and for all
        # available builtinRPCs and their behavior.
        # Note that many of the BuiltinRPCs are designed for use by tools such as Visual Builder, and
        # provide services such as direct access to the file system (for load and save of screens) that
        # would be unsafe to expose to untrusted users.
        RPCManager.enabledBuiltinMethods: getLogNames, getPdfObject, xmlToJS, uploadProgressCheck, exportClientData, downloadClientExport, setAttributes
        script.defaultLangauge: "java"
        authentication.defaultRequired: true
        Attached Files


          We can't reproduce this, trying the use case you describe with a real Oracle back end. Can you please post the server logs from around that snippet of generated SQL you posted - we are particularly interested in seeing the serialized request that went over the wire (this will appear in the logs a page or two before the dumped SQL statement)


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I had a suspicion after this thread.

            Turns out the problem might be related. My DMI, that inserts additional Criteria is
            	public DSResponse fetchChildResellers(DSRequest dsRequest, HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws Exception {
            		ArrayList<Long> validResellers = new ArrayList<Long>();
            		if (validResellers != null && validResellers.size() > 0) {
            			dsRequest.addToCriteria("ID", DefaultOperators.InSet.getID(), validResellers);
            		return dsRequest.execute();
            If I comment out the dsRequest.addToCriteria(...), the generated SQL contains the LOWER(): "WHERE (LOWER ( LIKE '%soft%' ESCAPE '\')".

            If I somewhere (either DMI or SQLDataSource subclass) do dsRequest.addToCriteria(...), the generated clause is: "( LIKE '%soft%' ESCAPE '\' AND IS NOT NULL)".

            For reference, the client-request is:
            === 2014-01-23 17:10:19,280 [ec-4] DEBUG RPCManager - Request #1 (DSRequest) payload: {
            Best regards,


              Please see also this post. The bugs are definitely related.

              Best regards,


                A fix for this has been committed for 9.0, 9.1 and 10.0 and should be present in nightly builds as of tomorrow (Saturday). Please try your use case and let us know how you get on.


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  in my real world use case this is fixed now, thank you (SNAPSHOT_v9.1d_2014-01-25).

                  The one related to is still there in some cases. I'll reply there.

                  Best regards,

