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    Question about GWT compiler warning

    SmartClient Version: v9.0p_2014-01-23/LGPL Development Only (built 2014-01-23)

    I'm getting the following warning from the GWT compile. I try to have my compile warnings all cleaned up. Is there something that can be done about this? I am compiling with -strict.

       Validating units:
          [WARN] Warnings in 'jar:file:/D:/SVN/PM/prod_manager/lib/smartgwt.jar!/com/smartgwt/client/widgets/calendar/'
             [WARN] Line 3195: Referencing deprecated class ''

    Perhaps too obvious a suggestion, but don't you need to just stop using the deprecated class? The JavaDoc for the deprecation mentions the replacement API.


      It appears from the error message to be in your Jar. I don't think I can change that code.


        This issue is being investigated by one of our developers.


          Can you provide code that demonstrates this error. The only way we are able to see the warning about using a deprecated class, is by actually referencing the deprecated class (which you indicate you are not doing).



            I don't think I'm going to be able to narrow this down any time soon. My app has >156,000 lines of code and with no references in it to these classes I don't know how I can efficiently narrow down what is pulling this in.

            I do see a reference in load_skin.js (Enterprise edition). It references Calendar. I can see the use of EventHoverHTMLHover at line 1395 of this java class in the smartgwt jar file. I can see in the source for EventHoverHTMLHover in the smartgwt jar a comment that says it is deprecated. However, I don't know why the compiler would consider it deprecated when the attribute is in a comment.


              OK, unfortunately the solution for now will have to be to ignore the spurious deprecation warning. We've made several attempts to replicate it and we can't; best guess, it could be either a JDK bug or GWT bug that is platform-specific, or only occurs with certain project structures.


                And, for completeness: we agree that the presence of a reference to "Calendar" in load_skin.js, or the presence of code in a comment, could not possibly trigger a deprecation warning.

