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    Refreshing datasource bound Menu


    We have a Menu which loads some items from the server. The menu is bound to a data source by calling setDataSource(...). The menu works ok, but we have trouble getting the menu refreshed.

    The menu lists some server side assets which user can add, remove and edit. Now, we would like to force a refresh for this Menu as the items at the server change. We tried calling invalidateCache on the Menu, on it's data source and tried playing with cacheAllData in the data source with no avail. The menu does not fire a refetch of it's content.

    When we explicity call fetchData on the Menu itself the request is fired, but the Menu just gets stuck to loading state showing a spinner and Loading data ... text inside.

    Ideally, we would like to mark the menu as dirty and when the user opens it up the next time the content would be refreshed. To force the refresh from the server every time when the data changes (even if the user does not open up the menu) would be second best, but not ideal.

    Question: How do you refresh the content of a datasource bound Menu ?

    Using Smartgwt 4.0 LGPL nightly, GWT 2.6.0.
