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    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v9.1d_2014-01-24/Enterprise Deployment (built 2014-01-24)
    FireFox 26

    One of our testers received the following warning message when clicking on a tab as part of test case execution:

    "The server did not receive the data that was sent to it.

    Please see the documentation for

    We have only seen this warning come up once and have not been able to reproduce it again.

    Neither the client or server isomorphic 4.1d javadocs for RPCResponse have any information on this warning.

    Can you give me any information on the cause of this warning?


    Here are the docs for this. We'll make sure these appear in JavaDoc as well.

    This is actually SmartGWT telling you that a system earlier in the chain is misconfigured.

    // Indicates that the total size of the data sent to the server was more than the server is
    // configured to allow. Most servers limit the post size to prevent out of memory style
    // attack vectors that push a bunch of data at the server. Apache Tomcat, for example,
    // is pre-configured to limit post size to 2mb.
    // <br>
    // <br>
    // On internal networks, these limits can typically be safely raised or removed. With
    // Tomcat, for example, you can remove the post limit by specifying the following attribute
    // on the &lt;Connector&gt; element in conf/server.xml:
    // <br><pre>
    // maxPostSize="-1"
    // </pre><br>


      BTW With GWT 2.6.0 the included Jetty (8.1.12.v20130726) has changed and contains a bug/feature/enhancement *cough* which makes the -1 not work any more.


      You have to use a very large number instead.


        We continue to get this error, though on a random basis and have not been able to reproduce it. I have modified my JBoss 7.2.Final standalone.xml configuration to increase the max post size to 5 MB.

        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.4" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">
                    <connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" max-post-size="5242880"/>
        and still we will randomly get the 'isc.RPCResponse.STATUS_MAX_POST_SIZE_EXCEEDED' message popup on the GUI.

        I am hesitant to disable the max post size limit (by setting max-post-size to '-1') as the post criteria we are sending is only a few bytes in size.

        From the JBoss server.log you can see the offending Fetch request and the criteria (which is nothing more than a Date and a boolean). See attached log file for details. So if this error is not due to a large POST size then what can be causing it?
        Attached Files


          It looks like you're not reading this log correctly - the strings like "(http-/" are actually thread indicators, so what you're seeing here is a successfully processed request (thread http-/, followed by just two logs for a request that fails with max post size exceeded (thread http-/

          We don't know what was in the failing "-6" request, because this error message indicates that by the time the SmartGWT server framework received the HttpRequest, all the POST data had been removed by some previous processing.

          Aside from maximum post limits, other possible causes for this include:

          1. filter servlets that are incorrectly written and strip off data

          2. security software that is incorrectly detecting some kind of exploit attempt and destroying the request

          #2 is relatively common and is what we'd recommend investigating first.


            Hi Isomorphic,

            I think I'm facing the same error.
            Click image for larger version

Views:	658
Size:	7.4 KB
ID:	237958

            I also can't find it mentioned in the RPCResponse-docs.
            I'm using 5.1p (2016-04-27).

            Regarding the error itself I'll try your suggestion with a larger value for maxPostSize in the Tomcat configuration.

            Best regards


              Hi Isomorphic,

              please disregard my post. I was looking at the server docs. It is in the client docs.

              Best regards

