Isomorphic SmartClient/SmartGWT Framework (v9.1p_2014-03-23/PowerEdition Deployment 2014-03-23)
I'm in the process of moving from SmartGWT 4.0 to 4.1. I came across an issue where, unless setRequired is explicitly called on a form item (e.g. TextItem, DateItem, etc), a call to getRequired returns null.
So, for example, the code below that was working with SmartGWT 4.0 is no longer working with 4.1:
The if-statement "formItem.getRequired()" ends up throwing a NullPointerException.
Searching the forums, I came across an old issue that was reported and resolved in 2009 that looks very much like this issue (
I'm in the process of moving from SmartGWT 4.0 to 4.1. I came across an issue where, unless setRequired is explicitly called on a form item (e.g. TextItem, DateItem, etc), a call to getRequired returns null.
So, for example, the code below that was working with SmartGWT 4.0 is no longer working with 4.1:
for ( final FormItem formItem : fields ) { if ( formItem.getRequired() ) { this.setRequiredItemSuffix( formItem ); } }
Searching the forums, I came across an old issue that was reported and resolved in 2009 that looks very much like this issue (