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    FacetChart data point shappe issue

    I'm using SmartGWT pro 4.0p-20140318.
    I've multiple series in a chart. I'm setting the shape of data point for all the series as oval. For one series some data points are shown as triangle and other data points are rendered as oval.
    Please see the attached screenshot.

    Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by kirkpa; 3 Apr 2014, 13:41. Reason: Uploading image file

    Sorry, we can't really debug screenshots - we'll need to see your code to be able to help.


      What part of code would you like to see? Code creating the chart? Code setting data?


        The more detail you provide, the more likely it is that you will enable others to solve your problem without asking for more details. And of course, the surefire approach is always runnable code that demonstrates the problem.

        Please don't forget to include the other details that are always required, such as your browser and browser version.

