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    Thank you very much for the fix in createStyleSheet!

    About the another one (the unproductible by you) i think it was fixed in the wrong place because I still got the crash in the last version. The exact point is line 94, char 46 (var "_24") at the last version of ISC_Drawing.js (Version v9.1p_2014-07-03/Pro Deployment (2014-07-03))

    I've checked in ISC_Drawing at modules-debug and the variable which is null is a "vmlContainer". The snippet at this point at the the debug file is:

    var vmlContainer = isc.Element.get(this.getID() + "_vml_box");
            vmlContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", beforeVMLString);
            vmlContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", afterVMLString);
    The get method is returning null.

    Thank you again for the attention!


      It's tomorrow's build that has the changes.


        This is strange, I've got today's build and it still doesn't have.


          Apparently our null check was for something else. As far as the null check you're requesting, sorry, that doesn't make sense. If the containing VML element can't be retrieved at that point, nothing would be expected to work, and in particular, adding a null check there just means the code would crash a few lines later or in a different method.

          But again, if you can find a way that this would be reproducible for us, we can take a look. We've already tried reproducing with a fresh XP/IE8 install and did not see a problem, and if it really did happen for that situation we would expect to receive lots of reports of the issue, but it's only been you.

