If I enable a groupby in a listgrid and use the CheckBox appearance for the selection, and if I click on the checkbox in the header to select all the records, the checkbox in the header does not get checked.
If there is no groupby configured for the listgrid, it is checked as expected.
Simple test case (with one of our datasource, but you can use any of course)
Can this be fixed ?
Many thanks,
(We are using SmartGWT 4.0p)
If I enable a groupby in a listgrid and use the CheckBox appearance for the selection, and if I click on the checkbox in the header to select all the records, the checkbox in the header does not get checked.
If there is no groupby configured for the listgrid, it is checked as expected.
Simple test case (with one of our datasource, but you can use any of course)
ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(DataSource.get(DSOperator.DS_NAME)); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); grid.setSelectionAppearance(SelectionAppearance.CHECKBOX); grid.setGroupByField(DSOperator.BUNIT_NAME); grid.setWidth(500); grid.setHeight(300); grid.show();
Many thanks,
(We are using SmartGWT 4.0p)