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    The meta tag is commented out. But let me remove it completely.

    Also just tested in deployed mode, and yes it's still happening with browser cache deleted.

    Have not tried a new project with your MainEntryPoint test completely isolated yet...


      Removing the meta tag had no affect (it was commented out).

      I copied your MainEntryPoint code and ran it next to my original testcase7() and they both exhibit the same problem.

      My next thing to do is to create a stand alone project to run your MainEntryPoint test in complete isolation with a standard skin.


        I took the CustomDS example from the nightly 2014-05-07 build and added the testcase7() code and was not able to reproduce our issue.

        This leads me back to our project and something is not right in our project. We do have a custom skin, so perhaps the best thing to do is to take out our custom skin and use a default skin determine if out skin is causing problems.


          Yes - trying with the default skin is probably a good starting point. Other than that, essentially simplifying your bootstrap file down to absolute minimum may reveal something we overlooked.
          Let us know how you get on - once you find what the delta is we'll be happy to weigh in on whether there's an underlying framework issue which you've run into, or whether it's simply an application code problem.

          Isomorphic Software


            It is our skin, I took out our skin and the columns do line up nicely. Thanks for all your help.
            Last edited by JLivermore; 9 May 2014, 11:08.


              I'm not a CSS person but I think I found the issue. Looking in IE-11's developer tool, there is a table element in the grid, looks like the main table element with the containing data. The <table> element style attribute looks like:

              style="overflow: hidden; padding-right: 528px; padding-left: 0px; table-layout: fixed;"
              when I disable the 'padding-right: 528px' like below, everything goes into place and the columns align.

              style="overflow: hidden; padding-left: 0px; table-layout: fixed;"
              The class="listTable" id="isc_20table" role="presentation" for the <table> element that seems to be the problem.

              How can I get that 'padding-right: 528px' to go away? This style was not applied by our skin, the IE-11 developer tool shows our skin's contribution to that element, and the style is Inline style, not from our stylesheet.
              Last edited by JLivermore; 9 May 2014, 11:49.


                adding this to our style sheet appears to fix the issue:

                .listTable {
                padding-right: 0px !important;

                is this good?


                  Actually that padding is almost certainly there as a result of the internal details of how we achieve incremental rendering of columns. The padding is being used to ensure the scroll area is correct even though we are not rendering out all the columns.
                  Explicitly suppressing this in the css class applied to the table is likely to lead to unpredictable rendering results (things like broken horizontal scrollbars, possibly).

                  Instead of examining the DOM, what we still need you to do is isolate the specific skinning changes you've made which create this issue, and then we can look at those settings and let you know if they are invalid and need fixing, or are valid and the framework needs a bugfix to accommodate them.


                    I found the culprit in our skin:

                    table[style] {
                        overflow: visible !important;
                        table-layout: auto !important;
                    It appears that the culprit is the table-layout setting. Even so, this entry in our skin is probably too generic and problematic as a skin?


                      Yes, delete that with prejudice. That could break any of our widgets, and any third party widgets or rendered HTML in general.

