I have a datasource where the name of the primary key field in the datasource differs from the actual name of the field in the database:
In buld 2014-04-26 of smartgwt power edition there seems to be a bug when I add new records using this datasource.
The actual insert is correct, but the auto-fetch performed by smartgwt seems to try to use the incorrect field name in the constraint.
See the log extract on an add:
Notice that the actual select has a WHERE 1=1 constraint and that the system logs the constraints it uses in the fetch
<i>Performing fetch operation with
criteria: {id:2014000194} values: {id:2014000194}</i>
I would expect the field name to be beneficiary_approval_id and not id in the criteria?
BTW. If I change the name of the beneficiary_approval_id field to "id", the subsequent select is correct.
<field name="beneficiary_approval_id" detail="true" nativeName="id" type="sequence" primaryKey="true" />
The actual insert is correct, but the auto-fetch performed by smartgwt seems to try to use the incorrect field name in the constraint.
See the log extract on an add:
=== 2014-05-08 12:45:04,115 [l0-2] INFO SQLDriver - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add] Executing SQL update on 'MSSQL': INSERT INTO lor_beneficiary_approvals (bingo_warning, max_no_of_bingos, organization_id, special_term, valid_from) VALUES ('false', 1, 10712, 'false', '20140508') === 2014-05-08 12:45:04,136 [l0-2] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add] primaryKeys: {id=2014000194} === 2014-05-08 12:45:04,136 [l0-2] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add] MSSQL getLastRow(): using default operationBinding === 2014-05-08 12:45:04,137 [l0-2] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add, builtinApplication.null] Performing fetch operation with criteria: {id:2014000194} values: {id:2014000194} === 2014-05-08 12:45:04,137 [l0-2] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add, builtinApplication.null] derived query: SELECT $defaultSelectClause FROM lor_beneficiary_approvals left outer join organizations on lor_beneficiary_approvals.organization_id = organizations.id left outer join lor_annulment_causes on lor_annulment_causes.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.annulment_cause_id left outer join view_grunndata_er on view_grunndata_er.orgnr = organizations.orgno left outer join view_grunndata_friv on view_grunndata_friv.orgno = organizations.orgno left outer join archive_reference on archive_reference.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.approval_archive_reference_id left outer join archive_reference deleted_reference on deleted_reference.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.deleted_archive_reference_id WHERE $defaultWhereClause === 2014-05-08 12:45:04,138 [l0-2] INFO SQLDataSource - [builtinApplication.beneficiary_add, builtinApplication.null] 33: Executing SQL query on 'MSSQL': SELECT lor_beneficiary_approvals.annulment_cause_id, lor_annulment_causes.name AS annulment_cause_name, archive_reference.reference AS approval_reference, lor_beneficiary_approvals.approval_archive_reference_id AS approval_reference_id, archive_reference.url AS approval_url, lor_beneficiary_approvals.id AS beneficiary_approval_id, lor_beneficiary_approvals.bingo_comment, lor_beneficiary_approvals.bingo_warning, lor_beneficiary_approvals.bingo_warning_text, lor_beneficiary_approvals.deleted_archive_reference_id, lor_beneficiary_approvals.deleted_from, deleted_reference.reference AS deleted_reference, deleted_reference.url AS deleted_url, view_grunndata_friv.category1 AS icnpo_1, view_grunndata_friv.description1 AS icnpo_1_description, view_grunndata_friv.category2 AS icnpo_2, view_grunndata_friv.description2 AS icnpo_2_description, view_grunndata_friv.category3 AS icnpo_3, view_grunndata_friv.description3 AS icnpo_3_description, lor_beneficiary_approvals.max_no_of_bingos, lor_beneficiary_approvals.membership_data_timestamp, view_grunndata_er.navn, lor_beneficiary_approvals.no_of_members, lor_beneficiary_approvals.no_of_members_below_18, lor_beneficiary_approvals.organization_id, organizations.orgno, view_grunndata_er.postnrSted, lor_beneficiary_approvals.special_term, lor_beneficiary_approvals.valid_from FROM lor_beneficiary_approvals left outer join organizations on lor_beneficiary_approvals.organization_id = organizations.id left outer join lor_annulment_causes on lor_annulment_causes.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.annulment_cause_id left outer join view_grunndata_er on view_grunndata_er.orgnr = organizations.orgno left outer join view_grunndata_friv on view_grunndata_friv.orgno = organizations.orgno left outer join archive_reference on archive_reference.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.approval_archive_reference_id left outer join archive_reference deleted_reference on deleted_reference.id = lor_beneficiary_approvals.deleted_archive_reference_id WHERE ('1'='1')
<i>Performing fetch operation with
criteria: {id:2014000194} values: {id:2014000194}</i>
I would expect the field name to be beneficiary_approval_id and not id in the criteria?
BTW. If I change the name of the beneficiary_approval_id field to "id", the subsequent select is correct.