When using the selenium SmatGWT libraries (user-extensions.js) that come with my paid SmartGWT 3.1 PowerEdition, some of my clicks are properly recorded, but many others are not. Instead, when I click on various different buttons, it records the exact same entry, even though the buttons are different. See below:
However, if I download teh latest built of SmartGWT 4.1p and use the user-extensions.js libraries that come with it, I don't see that problem. That is, it "seems" to create different entries in the Selenium IDE for the different buttons I'm clicking. However, it creates a different problem that I didn't get with th eolder selenium user-extensions.js library. This new problem is that it doesn't see to "find" and "wait" correctly for a button that appears right after I log into my application. The Selenium IDE code that fails is as follows:
I get a timeout. I checked the javascript, and not only does that button exist with id of "isc_Button_1", but even the OLD selenium libraries produced the same code:
and it did work using the old libraries.
So, the old libraries gets me to a certain point, and then seems to not correctly differentiate between the different buttons that I click. The new libraries seem to distinguish between the different buttons, but it doesn't correct handle "waiting" on one of the first buttons that appears in the app. NOTE: Even though I experimented with the latest selenium libraries from SmartGWt 4.1p, the actual app was still built with the OLD (purchased/stable) SmartGWT 3.1 (full details below):
Here's my standard additional background info:
SmartGWT (not smartclient) Version: SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-26/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-11-26)
Browser: Firefox 29 on Mac 10.9.2
GWT SDK: 2.5.0rc2
Sun JDK 1.6.0_13
J2EE: Tomcat 6
OS: Centos 6.x
waitForElementClickable scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/ click scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/ waitForElementClickable scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/ click scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/ waitForElementClickable scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/ click scLocator=//TabSet[ID="isc_TabSet_0"]/tab[ID=isc_TabMAPS_0||title=Workflows||index=1]/
However, if I download teh latest built of SmartGWT 4.1p and use the user-extensions.js libraries that come with it, I don't see that problem. That is, it "seems" to create different entries in the Selenium IDE for the different buttons I'm clicking. However, it creates a different problem that I didn't get with th eolder selenium user-extensions.js library. This new problem is that it doesn't see to "find" and "wait" correctly for a button that appears right after I log into my application. The Selenium IDE code that fails is as follows:
waitForElementClickable scLocator=//Button[ID="isc_Button_1"]/ click scLocator=//Button[ID="isc_Button_1"]/
I get a timeout. I checked the javascript, and not only does that button exist with id of "isc_Button_1", but even the OLD selenium libraries produced the same code:
waitForElementClickable scLocator=//Button[ID="isc_Button_1"]/ click scLocator=//Button[ID="isc_Button_1"]/
So, the old libraries gets me to a certain point, and then seems to not correctly differentiate between the different buttons that I click. The new libraries seem to distinguish between the different buttons, but it doesn't correct handle "waiting" on one of the first buttons that appears in the app. NOTE: Even though I experimented with the latest selenium libraries from SmartGWt 4.1p, the actual app was still built with the OLD (purchased/stable) SmartGWT 3.1 (full details below):
Here's my standard additional background info:
SmartGWT (not smartclient) Version: SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-26/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-11-26)
Browser: Firefox 29 on Mac 10.9.2
GWT SDK: 2.5.0rc2
Sun JDK 1.6.0_13
J2EE: Tomcat 6
OS: Centos 6.x