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    One-To-Many setup

    I have a field that is a list of foreign keys and is defined in my ds.xml as:
    <field name="groupName" includeFrom="" hidden="true"/> 
    <field name="genericGroups" foreignKey="" displayField="groupName" type="text" multiple="true">
    I am not sure if I have the includeFrom defined properly since the fk field is a multiple (list of ids).

    Any tips or advice on the correct way to achieve this?

    I do see my fetch to get the displayField(s) being called for the DSRequest via the method "applyRelatedDSRequest(String, List, List, Relation, DSResponse)" but I think i have something not quite right since I don't see the display fields even though I return them. Should I see them going back in the response somewhere?


    You have to give us at least some hints about which product and what type of persistence you're using to get useful help, but at a guess, you might be looking for dataSourceField.includeSummaryFunction, which defines the means by which multiple values from related records can be aggregated into one includeFrom field.

