THANK YOU for the nightlies via maven.
In case it helps anyone else:
After changing my repo to this one I had to remove the contents of ~/.m2/repository/com/smartgwt/smartgwt and rebuild. Before I did this maven was pulling the POM and determining that it already had the latest, so the newer build was not downloaded.
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Originally posted by kcchengIs there any special procedure to install the nightly build version ?
I only download the and unzip it to replace the old version.
I have set up a Maven repository that gets updated with the automated builds:
Code:Repository: Group Id: com.smartgwt Artifact Id: smartgwt Version: 1.0b2-SNAPSHOT
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Originally posted by kcchengCode:$wnd.isc is undefined [Break on this error] _=fw.prototype=new m6();_.gC=jw;_.tI=18;...tGlobalID();eP(a,qt,a.b,fa lse);return a}
Is there any special procedure to install the nightly build version ?
I only download the and unzip it to replace the old version.
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Code:$wnd.isc is undefined [Break on this error] _=fw.prototype=new m6();_.gC=jw;_.tI=18;...tGlobalID();eP(a,qt,a.b,fa lse);return a}
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I try to use the SVN automated builds version.
Compilation is OK, but when I try to run the code on Firefox 3.0.5,
I always got the following message (report by Firebug):
$wnd.isc is undefined
[Break on this error] _=fw.prototype=new m6();_.gC=jw;_.tI=18;...tGlobalID();eP(a,qt,a.b,false);return a}
The smartgwt-1.0b1 does not have this problem.
Any suggestion ?
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Also tested and it works like a charm. You can even set the location of GWT by setting the gwt_home parameter at ant invocation time . . .
Code:ant -Dgwt_home=/home/builder/gwt-1.5.3
On the unit test side, I am still getting an error, though it now requests that SmartGWT should be built first. :)
Any insights on how this has been working for you. The steps I have followed are to perform a build all, then run ant with the test target.
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Originally posted by sjivanI added target="1.5" to the <javac ..> task in the build files [...] Can you verify this works for you?
I switched to JDK 1.6 for compiling, as it gets the job done much faster.
Compatibility with JDK 1.5 shouldn't be a problem anymore, as the classes are compiled with target="1.5" now.
Thanks !Last edited by nlotz; 15 Jan 2009, 04:12.
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I added target="1.5" to the <javac ..> task in the build files.
I also updated the build to look for the environment variable GWT_HOME. If it's not found it will fallback to the current tools/lib/gwt/<version>/windows value.
Can you verify this works for you?
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I have rebuilt Revision 219 (with JDK 1.5) and changed the automated build to always use JDK 1.5 from now on.
You can find the version used for compiling in the first few lines of build.log.txt now:
Code:Linux athlon i386 GNU/Linux java version "1.5.0_17" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_17-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_17-b04, mixed mode)
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Originally posted by sjivanGWT Ext is not required and I overlooked cleaning up the test target when setting up the SmartGWT build. I'll fix that.
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I don't know if this is the right place to ask since it's technical section, but is there a roadmap for smartGWT somewhere? I want to start a few projects but want to avoid starting of with a beta when a stable version is released the next day :)
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Originally posted by sjivanNikolas is generating the nightly builds so help might be able to help change the build JDK to 1.5.
Let me know if you want me to re-build the last few revisions after that change has been made.
If you're reluctant to make that change I could switch to a 1.5 JDK for the automated builds, of course.Last edited by nlotz; 14 Jan 2009, 08:26.
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oops, my bad. GWT Ext is not required and I overlooked cleaning up the test target when setting up the SmartGWT build. I'll fix that.
Nikolas is generating the nightly builds so he might be able to help change the build JDK to 1.5.
SanjivLast edited by sjivan; 14 Jan 2009, 08:23.
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Attempting to Run Tests
Part of my investigation of the library was to investigate the build. I agree with the previous post that it would be better if the nightly build used JDK 5.
I tried running the following to build and perform the junit tests
Code:ant test
trunk/common.ant.xml:226: GWT Ext must be built before performing any tests.
Is this right? I need GWT Ext to perform the tests?
As a confirmation my svn URL is:
The latest revision I have is 216
Oh, and I patched the common.ant.xml to make use of my GWT_HOME environment variable since I am building on Linux.
Any help would be appreciated.
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