SmartGWT 4.1p - 2014-06-19
FireFox 26, Chrome 35, IE 11
A ListGrid backed by a DataSource that combines grouping with show record components = true produces extra whitespace at the bottom of the list when the list is longer than its container.
The example below creates four list grids.
The first grid does not use a DS and combines both grouping and setShowRecordComponents = true. It renders fine (scroll to the bottom).
The second is a DS backed grid with just grouping - it looks fine.
The third is a DS backed grid with just show record components set to true - it's also OK.
The fourth is a DB backed grid with both grouping and show record components - scroll down and you'll see the extra whitespace.
Also note that if setShowAllRecords is not set to true only the second grid (the DS bound grid with grouping) renders without the extra whitespace.
Screenshots attached.
Standalone test case:
FireFox 26, Chrome 35, IE 11
A ListGrid backed by a DataSource that combines grouping with show record components = true produces extra whitespace at the bottom of the list when the list is longer than its container.
The example below creates four list grids.
The first grid does not use a DS and combines both grouping and setShowRecordComponents = true. It renders fine (scroll to the bottom).
The second is a DS backed grid with just grouping - it looks fine.
The third is a DS backed grid with just show record components set to true - it's also OK.
The fourth is a DB backed grid with both grouping and show record components - scroll down and you'll see the extra whitespace.
Also note that if setShowAllRecords is not set to true only the second grid (the DS bound grid with grouping) renders without the extra whitespace.
Screenshots attached.
Standalone test case:
package standalone.client; import; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.HeaderSpan; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridField; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridRecord; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.HLayout; import; import; import com.smartgwt.client.types.GroupStartOpen; public class TestCase implements EntryPoint { private static final String DSFIELD_GROUP = "group"; private static final String DSFIELD_NAME = "name"; public void onModuleLoad() { ListGrid gridNonDSBoth = getNonDSGrid(); ListGrid gridDSGroup = getDSGridGroupingOnly(); ListGrid gridDSRecordComp = getDSGridRecordCompOnly(); ListGrid gridDSBoth = getDSGridBoth(); HLayout container = new HLayout(); container.setMargin(20); container.setWidth(1200); container.setHeight(400); container.setMembersMargin(40); container.setMembers(gridNonDSBoth, gridDSGroup, gridDSRecordComp, gridDSBoth); container.draw(); } private ListGrid getNonDSGrid() { ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setHeaderHeight(40); grid.setShowAllRecords(true); grid.setGroupByField(DSFIELD_GROUP); grid.setGroupStartOpen(GroupStartOpen.ALL); grid.setShowRecordComponents(true); grid.setHeaderSpans(new HeaderSpan("Non DS + Group + Record Comp", new String[] { DSFIELD_GROUP, DSFIELD_NAME } )); grid.setFields(new ListGridField(DSFIELD_GROUP), new ListGridField(DSFIELD_NAME)); grid.setRecords(getRecords()); return grid; } private ListGrid getDSGridGroupingOnly() { ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setHeaderHeight(40); grid.setShowAllRecords(true); grid.setGroupByField(DSFIELD_GROUP); grid.setGroupStartOpen(GroupStartOpen.ALL); grid.setHeaderSpans(new HeaderSpan("DS + Group", new String[] { DSFIELD_GROUP, DSFIELD_NAME } )); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); grid.setDataSource(TestDS.getInstance()); return grid; } private ListGrid getDSGridRecordCompOnly() { ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setHeaderHeight(40); grid.setShowAllRecords(true); grid.setShowRecordComponents(true); grid.setHeaderSpans(new HeaderSpan("DS + Record Comp", new String[] { DSFIELD_GROUP, DSFIELD_NAME } )); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); grid.setDataSource(TestDS.getInstance()); return grid; } private ListGrid getDSGridBoth() { ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setHeaderHeight(40); grid.setShowAllRecords(true); grid.setGroupByField(DSFIELD_GROUP); grid.setGroupStartOpen(GroupStartOpen.ALL); grid.setShowRecordComponents(true); grid.setHeaderSpans(new HeaderSpan("DS + Group + Record Comp", new String[] { DSFIELD_GROUP, DSFIELD_NAME } )); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); grid.setDataSource(TestDS.getInstance()); return grid; } protected static ListGridRecord[] getRecords() { ListGridRecord[] records = new ListGridRecord[44]; int recordCounter = 0; for (int groupCounter = 0; groupCounter < 4; groupCounter++) { for (int nameCounter = 0; nameCounter < 11; nameCounter++) { ListGridRecord record = new ListGridRecord(); record.setAttribute(DSFIELD_GROUP, "Group " + groupCounter); record.setAttribute(DSFIELD_NAME, "Name " + nameCounter); records[recordCounter] = record; recordCounter++; } } return records; } private static class TestDS extends DataSource { private static TestDS instance = null; public static TestDS getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new TestDS("localTestDataSource"); } return instance; } private TestDS(String id) { setID(id); setClientOnly(true); DataSourceTextField group = new DataSourceTextField(DSFIELD_GROUP); DataSourceTextField name = new DataSourceTextField(DSFIELD_NAME); group.setPrimaryKey(true); name.setPrimaryKey(true); group.setCanEdit(false); name.setCanEdit(false); setFields(group, name); setTestData(getRecords()); } } }